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At Auradon

Jay is guiding you to the medical center.

Audrey: Oh my god!! What happened?

Jay: Ben was captured on the Isle.

Y/N: And then I got stabbed.

Audrey: I can take him to the medical center. Thanks, Jay.

Audrey takes over for Jay.

Audrey: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah.

Audrey: Wait... Ben was captured?

Y/N: Yeah, we went to the Isle, and Ben got kidnapped by Uma.

Audrey: Who's Uma?

Y/N: The number one person who hates Mal.

Audrey: Ah ok.

You arrive at the medical center.

Twenty minutes later

Doctor: Alright we are done with the stitches. Any questions?

Y/N: Can I go to cotillion?

Doctor: No, since it's on a boat there's a chance that you can get water in your stitches, and if that happens it will get infected.

Y/N: Makes sense, sorry Audrey.

Audrey: It's fine as long as you're okay.

Y/N: You can still go.

Audrey: I don't want to, I wanna be with you.

The next day

Y/N: So you're telling me that Uma escaped, spelled Ben, Mal cured him by true loves kiss—

Carlos: Mmmph.

Y/N: Uma turned into your octopus and Mal turned into a dragon, and they fought. Oh and let's not forget the big dance party you all had.

Jay: Yeah it was crazy.

Three weeks later

You looked into a mirror caressing your newly formed scar.

Y/N: Like father like son, huh?

Princess Audrey x Son of ScarWhere stories live. Discover now