Another Heist?

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The next day

You are all at Evie's mini castle getting stuff for Jane's birthday.

Carlos: Got the beach towels. I think she's gonna like the cake, you guys. Oh, no.

Y/N: Huh?

Carlos: Okay, who got into Jane's cake?!

Evie: Guys?

Jay: Yeah?

Evie: Mal just told me the queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter were stolen.

Y/N: What?!

Carlos: By who?

Evie: No one knows.

You look outside and see Audrey, darker, with a crown, and Maleficent's scepter.

Y/N: Audrey?

Jay: What?

You run outside with Jay, Evie, Carlos, and Celia behind you.

You run outside with Jay, Evie, Carlos, and Celia behind you

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Audrey: So long.

Audrey spins around, and smoke comes from the ground, and disappears.

You just stare at where Audrey was.

Jay: Ah! Uh, you might wanna think of a spell for that.

Mal: No spell can reverse the curse of the scepter.

Carlos: Well, that's a shame.

Mal: Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge, and all of Auradon is in danger.

Carlos: What should we do?

Mal: The only thing more powerful than the scepter... is Hades' ember.

Jay: Oh, like he's just gonna hand it over if you blew him back to the Isle.

Evie: No one knows where his lair is.

Celia: I do, I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's.

Mal: You're coming.

Celia: But I just got here.

Dizzy: Mal? Ahhh!

Evie: Dizzy, stay here to take care of the twins and Dusky, we'll be right back and everything will be just fine. Go inside.

Evie: Guys, go get your stuff.

Evie walks in front of you.

Evie: Y/N, Y/N?

Y/N: Huh? What?

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