Going Back to the Isle

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You change out of your suit and into your normal attire.

Y/N: Let's go.

Outside by the limo

Ben: Jay, keys. Remote.

Y/N: Isle here we come.

Dude: Shotgun!

Y/N: No.

You double take realizing the Dude just spoke.

Carlos: No, Dude. Stay. The Isle is way too dangerous.

Y/N: I'm not going crazy right..?

Jay: Did he just...

Carlos: Talk? Yeah. I know. Tell you later.

Ben: Let's go.

Evie: Yeah. Okay, once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?

Jay: Got it.

At the Isle

Carlos: Ben, Y/N, help me with the tarp.

Ben: Hey, what's in here?

The four of you look over and see Ben looking down a tunnel.

Carlos: Ben!

Jay: You don't want to know.

Y/N: Keep it chill, all right? The last thing we need is for our parents to figure out we're here.

Ben's warn-off.

Evie: Ben, stop.

Ben: Why?

Evie: This isn't a parade. It's the Isle.

Jay: Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing.

Carlos: You either slouch or strut.

Evie: And never, ever smile.

Ben: Okay, thanks.

Y/N: No! Don't ever say "Thank you."

Evie: Just... chill.

After teaching Ben how to be Chilln' like a Villain, someone recognizes him.

Guy: Hey, I know you!

Ben: Uh, no. Don't know you, either, man.

You recognize the guy is Gil, one of Uma's pirates.

Gil: Uh, yeah, you do. Come on, man. Really? Huh? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My dad is quick, slick and his neck... is incredibly thick. Come on, man. I know...

Gil looks at a poster and sees Ben and Mal on it.

Gil: Huh? Huh. Huh? Huh. Oh! You're King Ben!

Evie: Okay, let's go.

Gil: Yeah, yeah, you are King Ben, and you're J-Jay, Carlos, Y/N, Evie. Hey, guys.

At the VK compound

Ben starts to walk up some stairs.

Ben: Wish me luck.

Ben is gone into the compound.

Y/N: So about Dude. How did he talk?

Carlos: Well I had Mal make me a truth gummy so I could ask Jane out. But Dude ate it.

Y/N: Oh... okay.

After a few minutes, Ben starts to come down the stairs, but no Mal.

Evie: So? Where's Mal?

Ben: She's not coming back.

Evie: What? I'll talk to her.

Evie starts to talk into a tube phone.

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