(told in perspective of Andrometa)
Matthew had a look of shock on his face, "Wait, the spirits of the Sun and Moon? That doesn't make any sense, unless I'm..."
"A spirit too?" Matthew's Mom nodded. I turned to look at him in shock. He looked as surprised as me.
"W-wait, I'm a spirit too? But how is that even possible? I thought I was a human!" Matthew started to panic and I placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
"You are part human, but you are also part spirit, it's complicated..." His Father explained.
Matthew's Mother nodded, "Well maybe it'd be easier if we start from the beginning..." As Matthew's Mom said this she smiled, and the scene of the mountain faded away and a new scene appeared, revealing rolling green fields and beautiful butterflies flying everywhere. Cheerful children dressed in bright yellows and oranges played in the fields together and choruses of laughter rang everywhere. "These are the people of the sun. These are your Father's people." The scene changed again, revealing the same fields, but darker, and rather than being dressed in oranges and yellows, the children were dressed in greys and whites. "And these are my people Matthew, the people of the moon." Both the scenes appeared side by side now, kept separate by a large fence. "When your Father, someone from the side of the sun, met me, from the side of the moon, you could imagine how disastrous that could be...especially when we fell in love." The scene changed and showed two people, holding hands who then sat together, watching a colorful orange sky as the sun set. "Of course our parents didn't approve." Matthew's Mother sighed. "So we hatched a plan to be together, forever." The two people jumped up and began to run as fast as they could to a door, crowds of people ran after them, chasing them, screaming at them.
"Come back!" One of them screamed, "You'll upset the balance!" Another one screamed. But the couple just kept running. Another person appeared next to them as they were running, and they ran with them too.
"Um excuse me?" I interrupted Matthew's Mother.
"Yes?" She turned to me.
"Um, yeah, I was wondering who that other person is running next to you two?"
"Oh, my sister? Yeah, Zana insisted on coming with us, and who was I to argue with more company?" Matthew's Mother laughed and I turned to Matthew, his face was frozen.
"Z-Zana's my aunt?!" His face had turned pale.
"Guess she never mentioned that to you, huh?" His mother smirked. "Anyways, when we left the spirit realm, we entered the human world, and became, well, human."
Matthew's Dad stepped forward and the scene changed again, the two people were now facing each other, hand in hand, one wore an elegant white dress, the other in a black and white suit with an orange flower tucked into the side pocket. Matthew's Father gestured towards the couple, "Then your Mother and I got married."
"And don't forget who was the maid of honor!" Matthew's Mother gave Matthew's Father a nudge and she laughed.
"How could I forget?" He laughed. "Zana's the one who caught the flowers." Both of Matthew's parents smiled then looked at Matthew again. "When we had you Matthew, everything was perfect." An image of the couple cradling a baby appeared. Then she sighed, "But, we went through a rough patch in our relationship, as all couples do." The two people started yelling at each other, and as they did the sun and moon collided. Staring at the scene of the eclipse Matthew's Mother shook her head, "And of course, we upset the balance, causing this very war to begin." Matthew's Father sighed.
"Wait you started this war?!" I started to charge at them and Matthew held me back.
"You do know that you'll just go right through them, right?" Matthew joked.
"This is no time for jokes Matthew!" I gave a low growl and let them continue.
"Yes, we did start the war...and believe you me, we regretted it! That's why we joined the Medias in the first place, to fix our mistakes..." The scene changed to a familiar base, the couple heading towards the base.
Matthew's Mother cut in, "But even that didn't feel like enough. The war felt everlasting, nothing we did helped. That's why we decided to go on that mission..."
"And you lost your very humanity in the process, which is why you aren't in physical form." Matthew finished.
"You've got it." Matthew's Father nodded.
"So, how do we unite everyone and end the war?" I asked, trying to move things along quickly for the sake of everyone at the bottom of the mountain fighting.
"Well that's the issue, you see that stone over there?" Matthew's Mother pointed to a stone at the edge of the mountain, "It's a riddle..."
Matthew's Father recited the stone's riddle, "I can hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all, I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore, I can be given to many, or just one."
"We thought the answer might be love, but we think that we weren't the ones who were meant to show it." Matthew's Mother smiled and looked at the two of us, "And now that we've seen the two of you...we were thinking that maybe you two are the ones..." I blushed and smiled at Matthew. He smiled back. He then gently grabbed my hand and pulled me aside to the stairs.
"Andrometa, what do you think they meant by love?" Matthew looked at me.
"I mean maybe a confession of love or something..." I suggested.
"Yeah, maybe, or it could also be a kiss..."
"Yeah, a kiss..." I looked down and frowned, suddenly having flashbacks of my betrayal. He had confessed his love to me, and I had just broken his heart and stabbed him in the back. Then I remembered his face afterwards, bruised and beaten, all because of what I did. I couldn't do that to him again.
"What's wrong?" He looked over at me, concerned.
"I just don't want you to get hurt again because of me..."
"And I don't want you getting hurt again either." He gestured to my leg and I sighed and nodded.
"I know, but that could've been you, all because I..."
"The past is in the past..." He grabbed my hands and held them tight in his, "...and I've already forgiven you, a hundred times over. And from now on, we'll protect each other, so neither of us gets hurt again." I smiled and we hugged, then headed back to the top.
Estrellas: Book 2
AdventureAttention, this is a sequel! Don't read this unless you have read Sun and Moon! And I am trying to post new chapters every day! Your favorite characters are back! And based off of my last cliff hanger, their also captured, no thanks to Andrometa. A...