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(told in perspective of Pandal)

We had all just set up camp for the night and had started a nice, warm campfire that glowed in the evening light. We all sat quietly, roasting the hotdogs that we had quickly grabbed from the Media supply center.
"Soooo, I guess I missed a lot in the few weeks I was gone, anyone care to fill me in?" I needed to break the silence, it was killing me.

Danny laughed and took one of the hotdogs off of her stick and started eating it, still waving the stick in her hand, "Well for one, you missed the giant food fight Matthew and Zana started in the cafeteria." She pointed around her stick and Matthew finally took it away, not comfortable with Danny waving it around in his face. She glared at him and I laughed.

"Wow, I must've missed a lot, Zana? In a food fight? That's crazy!!! What else did I miss?" Danny looked away from Matthew and smiled, her sapphire blue eyes glinting in the dim sunlit sky. I shook back into reality.

"Well for one, you can already guess that we went on a mission. But the mission was basically to try and end the war."

"Aren't all missions supposed to do that?" I joked.

Then Danny stared seriously into my eyes, "No, this one was to end the whole entire war, not just to stop some burning buildings or something like that. This was the mission of all missions."

"O-oh..." I stuttered and looked away from Danny's eyes. "...sorry."

"It's good, oh, did I mention that Cassandra and Brutus are a thing now?" Danny joked.

"Yeah, I knew that, I came to help Brutus out, remember?" I joked and Danny laughed.

"Well if you know that then you have to know about Matthew and Andrometa..." Danny started then Matthew interrupted her. Wait, that couldn't be, Matthew hated Andrometa, and Andrometa hated Matthew. I looked at Matthew with disbelief, he shrugged.

"Well! I think that's enough for tonight!" He stood up awkwardly and he was blushing. Oh my goodness, Danny wasn't joking! I started laughing.

"Awww come on! I wanted to hear about that!" I pleaded, wanting to know every single detail.

"Nope! Let's all go to bed! We are not diving into my personal life." Matthew's face turned from embarrassed to devastated. His eyes started to tear up, "Let's just call it a night." He managed to get out, then he opened his tent flap and everyone was silent. It must be that Andrometa was shot. I thought as I walked over to my tent. I'll make sure to bring it up another time when he's not so sensitive about it. I took my plate and quickly slipped a hotdog to the dog, who ate it quickly and looked back up at me, expecting more. I laughed then patted him on the head.

"No more." I scratched the back of his ears and he wagged his tail. I opened my tent and rolled out my sleeping bag, my dog came and curled up by my side. Brutus came into the tent as well and quietly rolled out his sleeping bag. I stared at the ceiling and continued to wonder about Matthew and Andrometa's new relationship. I mean, they had absolutely despised each other before, so what happened? Then, as I was staring up at the ceiling, I imagined the same sapphire blue eyes I had stared into earlier, her smile so bright, it could compete with the sun. Then I imagined her long blond hair that flowed down to her shoulders. Wait, why am I thinking about Danny? What's wrong with me? Then I imagined myself sitting around the same camp fire, Danny was giving me a look of complete seriousness and I couldn't even make direct eye contact. But why? What's wrong with me? Do I like Danny? As the question suddenly popped up in my head, I felt like my heart stopped. I sat up in bed, because I knew the answer was yes.

"Um, Brutus?" I asked, facing towards the other side of the tent.

"Yeah?" He said half awake.

"I think I like Danny..."

"Say what now?" He seemed much more awake now, he sat up in his sleeping bag.

"I just can't get her out of my brain, I keep seeing her in my head, and I keep imagining her smile and those beautiful sapphire eyes."

"Looks like you've got yourself a crush kid." Brutus laughed and patted my shoulder.

"Ahhhh, what do I do, I've never felt like this before." I started freaking out and a million questions began popping into my mind. Does she like me too? Or does she hate my guts? Does she like someone else... My dog barked and I laughed, petting his head.

"The best way I have dealt with this sort of thing in the past is to just walk straight up to her and say it to her face, tell her you have a crush on her and you really like her. Don't wait and miss your chance." Brutus said, and I stared at him, amazed.

"Wow, you are really great at giving advice." I was shocked.

"Comes with experience." He laughed and pet the dog with me.

"When do you think I should tell her?" I asked him nervously.

"How about tomorrow morning at breakfast?" Brutus smirked and laid back down on his sleeping bag. "Get some rest kid, we'll figure this out in the morning." I nodded and laid back down again, the dog relaxing by my side. Sure thing. I said in my mind, then I fell asleep.

(told in perspective of Draco)

Matthew slid off into his tent, his eyes tearing up. Eventually, Pandal, Brutus, and Danny left for their tents as well, leaving me alone with Cassandra, my sister, and my best friend for as long as I could remember.

"Soooo, that just happened." Cassandra joked.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said, looking down at the ground. "I was worried about you, ya know? When you were captured, that is. I'm just glad your injuries weren't worse than a few scratches and bruises." I looked up at Cassandra.

"You should see the other guys." She joked and cleaned up her plate.

"Yeah, just could you please not do something like that again? I get worried." I said, pleading her.

"What? Getting kidnapped? Sure I'll try to avoid it." She joked and ruffled my hair.

"No I'm serious Cassandra, please." I followed her to her tent.

"I'll try to be more careful Draco, I promise." She gave me a faint smile and opened the tent flap, I followed behind.

"Thanks." We both rolled out sleeping bags out and we laid down. I looked over at her side of the tent, "Cassandra?"

She turned around and looked at me, "I'm not singing you a lullaby." She joked.

I laughed, "No seriously, I need some advice." She looked up at me, intrigued. "If I've liked someone, like, like like someone for a very long time, should I tell them how I feel?"

Cassandra sat up, she was smiling and on the verge of laughing, "Who is she?" she said teasingly.

"Danny." I said, embarrassed.

"Yeah, you should tell her, she seems like a nice girl, I doubt she would break you heart and crush your dreams." She said. I gave her a look and she followed with, "Kidding! Kidding! You'll do fine."

I laughed, "So when do I tell her?" I asked.

"How about tomorrow morning at breakfast?"

"Sure." I said, then I fell asleep.

Estrellas: Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now