Chapter Five

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"What?! I clearly am punk rock okay, don't question it," Luke told me for like the fifth time.

I couldn't believe he was actually being serious here.

"Luke stop! Seriously, my stomach hurts!" I squealed, clutching my stomach and throwing my head back in a fit of giggles.

"I don't even see what's so funny!" Luke said with an amused expression as he looked at me, "so, what, you're telling me just because I sleep with a stuffed penguin, that means I'm not punk rock?" he questioned.

"Have you heard yourself?" I smirked at him catching my breath as my laughter died down. "I'm pretty sure I'm more punk rock than you!"

He gasped, clutching his hand to his chest, as he faked hurt at my comment.

"Well that was just uncalled for!" he stated, trying to maintain his glare at me, but the corners of his lips faltered every now and then, desperate to drag them up into that adorable smile.

I mentally slapped myself for my inappropriate thoughts. I've known this guy for less than half an hour and he's already got me weak.

"Aww did little Luke's feelings get hurt?" I cooed.

"Yes actually," he sulked, "I take great pride in my rock star image."

It was all I could do not to burst out laughing again, but the scowl which remained on his face, despite it's joking nature, warned me otherwise.

"Of course you do, I don't know what I was thinking before," I replied, sarcasm lacing my words.

"Just admit it, I'm punk rock. Okay?"

Wow, he's really not giving up on this.

"Okay." I gave in, rolling my eyes at his persistence.

A satisfied expression filled his face as he smiled happily to himself, finally content with my response.

There was still no way I believed him, but I had to admit that agreeing with him was kind of worth it, just to see how happy it made him.

I glanced over, studying him carefully. Sure, maybe to look at him, when he'd first walked into my room I might have actually believed him, but now, even with the little knowledge that I have about him, I'm pretty sure that Luke couldn't be further from what he claims to be, whether he's joking or not.

He cares. You can see it in his eyes. Those mesmerising blue eyes.

"Sasha..." he grinned, "you do realise that we literally just had a perfect tfios moment?" he asked excitedly.

His revelation was followed by what can only be described as a very unmanly giggle.

"Right there! You literally just proved my point!" I announced triumphantly.

He remained silent for a while, desperately trying to come up with a way to defend himself, and after failing to do so, he simply mumbled a faint "shut up."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his childish behaviour, which in turn lifted his sullen expression.

"You have an amazing laugh, you know that?" he asked, flashing me a smile filled with sincerity.

"I always kind of hated it," I admitted as I felt a warmth creep up my cheeks.

Great. Now I'm blushing. Really?

I could have been honest with him and told him that I barely even remembered what my laugh sounded like.

That before he turned up today, it had probably been months since I'd actually heard it. But I decided to keep that to myself.

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