Chapter One

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6:05 am
I lay in my bed, shivering underneath the covers in the cold December chill, waking with a sore neck from sleeping with only one pillow. Well, I say waking, but you can only wake up if you've actually been to sleep in the first place and as I catch a glimpse of my reflection, the dark circles which frame my sunken eyes give me away. To be completely honest I can't remember the last time I had a good nights sleep.

There's only so many sleeping tablets you can take and after a while, even they stop working and I become a prisoner to insomnia once again.

To be honest I've come to think it's better that way. Getting no sleep at all is better than being haunted by nightmares every time I close my eyes.

So I lay here, day in, day out. The same old routine. My earphones remain plugged into my ears most of the time. I find it's a very effective way to block out the world and just get away from it all for a while.

But blocking out my own thoughts, my memories; well, that's not always so easy.

It's felt like this for a while, and so this is where I've ended up. Stuck in this place for the past three months because apparently people think I need constant supervision. As if I can't cope. Well, maybe they have a point there.

I guess you've assumed that I'm in some sort of mental hospital. Well, if you have then you're right. So you probably also think I'm crazy. I must be right?

Well, that's not completely true. I've simply been a victim of circumstance. In the wrong place at the wrong time. And let's just say I haven't done a great job of dealing with what's happened. If you knew you wouldn't blame me. You'd probably agree that no one would deal with this well.

Most people are here for depression, some for anxiety and others for various different conditions, some with a combination of a few. There's one girl about my age who just got here yesterday. I don't know why but I'm sure I'll find out. News spreads like wildfire in here.

The place you're picturing right now is probably really scary and therefore probably quite inaccurate. It isn't as scary as it sounds. Honestly, it's actually not a bad place at all. The people are nice and you can have visitors anytime. Family, friends, anyone you want.

That must be great if you actually have people who want to come visit you. But, well, I don't.

My parents would come quite often when I first got here, maybe two or three times a week. But as time went on, their visits became less and less frequent and now I barely see them. It's like they just don't care anymore.

Either that or they're just too ashamed to visit. Maybe they just don't want to actually accept it. To face the fact that people might think they've got a kid who's a nut job.

And as for any friends I might of had, they all bailed as soon as they heard I was in here. So I spend most of my days alone.

Sometimes I'm sat here in my room same as always and I get this weird feeling like I'm waiting for something, or maybe someone to come and make things better. To come and fix me.

But then I realise that would be impossible, because I'm unfixable. You couldn't put me back together if you tried. It'd take you forever to find all the pieces.

So heres chapter one :) it sucks and it's short af but I hope you like it! Don't worry, Luke will be coming into the story soon :) comment and vote if you like!

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