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When Hope finds out she was mated with Josie, she didn't know what to do about it. She always have liked Landon and never expected a mate. Now that she knew Josie being her mate would change things in her life, things she wasn't ready for. She went to talk about the bond with brunette only found her making out with her ex girlfriend. She felt her heart shattered at the moment. She was aware of their relarionship but now that knowing she was mated with the brunette siphoner and seeing her mate with someone else broke something in her. She wanted to attack Penelope and made her suffer to touching her mate but she couldn't bring herself to harm someone who meant special for Josie. So she ran away, she needed a release after the events that day, she went back to her room and closed it. She felt the siphoner approaching her but her wolf was on edge, she started to shift and jumped out of the window leaving the siphoner behind her alone. She ran for hours, Josie was her mate and she like Penelope. If she approached her there was a huge possibility that she didn't want to be the mate of a tribrid freak. The person who despised by everyone because she is the reason her parents died. If she let Josie in that mean she would put her in danger as well and beside if Josie reciprocate some kind of relationship with her. Seeing Josie with someone else she knew she won't. She was having million thoughts in her mind. She had to let the girl go to made her own decisions. Her wolf howled in agony. She wanted to go back to her mate to be near her but Hope wouldn't allow it.

Next day she found that the twins were gone to Europe. After knowing the events of their birthday, they needed some alone time with their mother. She didn't say anyone about her finding her mate. Not that she had friends to talk to. She got signal from the watch she gave Landon asked him to use it in danger.

She tried sneak out the campus to help him but Dr. Saltzman caught her and they both made their journey to rescue the curly haired boy. She found him in a motel with his mother. She told them about malivore being threat to all of the supernatural community. She wanted Landon to be safe and would do anything to kept him safe. He was her first friend and the first person she wanted to be with before the mate bond changed certain emotions in her. She always felt connected to the brunette but didn't act on it because of first, hiding her identity from everyone and second being the only tribrid who became the cause of her parent's death. She didn't want to be friends with anyone.

She found Landon normal, which was what she always wanted in her life. Their feeling was mutual because Landon liked her too. They both caught up on the moment when they met again, they kissed. With a monster and Triad after them they escaped only to went to the Triad headquarter, where Landon's mother sacrificed herself.

None of them remember anything except for the tribrid who recite the whole story to the headmaster.
Josie being away and Landon being with her, she didn't want them to be anything serious but she wanted to feel anything which could distract her from thinking about a certain someone who might or might not want her. They came with the possession of another artifact and the monsters kept coming for it. She had to hide the artifact and kept everyone at school safe. Everything was connected to Landon which meant saving him from the trouble as well. She felt everything was easy and normal with the curly haired boy, maybe if Josie didn't want her she had Landon. She would always have Landon...

Josie and Sophia landed at the airport. They hired a taxi to the Salvatore School. When they both entered at the school the students starts to whisper about looking at Josie. Soon she got tackled by a big her from her twin.
"You're back" Lizzie said "I knew my plan would work"
"What plan?" Josie asked pulling back from the hug
"Oh Jo, it's been too long"
"It's only been 10 months Lizzie" Josie said putting her bag down.
"Which is enough for me, you have no idea what's going around here" She gestured Josie to move further and stopped when she looked at the blonde near her. She cleared her throat "Who's this trollope?" Lizzie asked.
"Lizzie this is... Sophia... Sophia meet Lizzie... my twin" Josie introduce them.
"Sophia Halsey" She moved her hand to shake but Lizzie didn't response
"Why did you bring her here?" She asked to Josie. Sophia took away her hand
"That's what I'm going to tell you..." She said when she looked back at the blonde twin only to find her father approaching her.
"I'm glad you're back sweetheart" he engulfed her in a hug
"I missed you too dad" He looked at Sophia
"Dad this is Sophia and we might need your help" She asked when he nodded at her.
Some of her old friends approached her too and saying welcome back to her, while boys keep drooling at Sophia.
The new headmaster came to them
"You must be the another Saltzman twin" he asked while he shook her hands and looked at Alaric
"You're not allowed here Dr. Saltzman"
"I came to see Josie and no laws would stop me from meeting my daughter" he hissed back at the new headmaster. The headmaster moved back to Josie "I hope you enjoy your stay here Ms. Saltzman and your friend too" he said.
"She sure will" Lizzie said when she guided Josie to their room, Sophia followed them
"I have so much to tell you" She tell Josie "You're staying with me" She looked at Sophia "You can take the guest room down the halls" She told Sophia. When they heard the quick footsteps approaching them
"Hell no... you can't just leave me alone here babe" She tell Josie grabbing her hand she but stopped at her steps and when she looked behind at Sophia.
"Is there something I'm missing?" The blonde twin asked but when Josie didn't reply she looked at the same direction only to find the tribrid standing there staring at Josie with uncertain emotions in her eyes.
"Josie..." She said in a low voice. Sophia noticed the tension between them and decided to save the brunette
"I think you need rest sweetheart, let me take you to your room" She emphasised on 'sweetheart' and Sophia pull Josie with her. Lizzie didn't say anything to them and let Sophia took away Josie.
Hearing Sophia calling Josie sweetheart made her angry at the new blonde. She wanted to followed them but stopped when Lizzie interrupted her
"Not today satan" She glared at the tribrid "I just got my twin back and I do not want you to ruin her first day" She steps closer to the tribrid "stay away from her Hope" She hissed at her and went back to the direction where Sophia took Josie leaving the tribrid with the guilt and regret of not able to took a proper glance at her mate.

Josie goes in her room, one she shared with Lizzie.
"Hey... you okay?" Sophia asked her
"I am... I'm just tired" Josie replied to her. Sophia hugged her when they heard the door opened and her twin walked in
"Okay now... what am I missing here?"
Lizzie asked as she glanced between her twin and the saccubus. Josie pulled away from the hug.
"It's nothing like that Lizzie..." Josie said
"I want to talk to my twin... alone" She stared at Sophia. Sophia glanced between them and sighed
"Fine where is my room though" She asked between them
"Ask someone on your way back, they will tell you" Lizzie shrugged and Sophia leave them alone and closed the door behind her.
Lizzie looked back at her twin


Sophia wandered in the halls when she bumped with someone. It was a curly haired boy, grabbing his books which fell on the ground. For some reason she find the boy very attractive.
"Sorry... I guess!!" Sophia said to him
"It's okay" he replied looking at her "going somewhere?" He asked the saccubus
"Actually I'm looking for the guest room... you know where that might be?" She asked him.
"Oh yeah... I'm Landon... by the way" he pull out his hand to shake hers which Sophia reciprocate
"Sophia Halsey"
They both felt the tingling feeling when they touched each other's hand but didn't act on it.
Landon guide her through the halls to the guest rooms which wasn't far from his room.
"I've never seen you here" Landon tried to make a conversation
"I just got here with my... uhh friend" She replied to him "Josie Saltzman, you must know her, she told me she was quite popular around here"
Landon didn't know Josie was coming back. They hadn't have the good relationship but he always appreciated her kindness.
"Josie's back" he states more to himself "Uh... that's good to know" he said when they reached to the door.
Sophia looked at him when he opened the door for her
"Thank you Landon" She glanced at him using her charms to attract the boy and it work as Landon stutters
"Yeah... you're welcome"


Josie tell her twin about Sophia and her being the only saccubus they knew and they should help her controlling her powers. She also mentioned the fact that there are some people after Sophia and they didn't know what they want. Sophia being Sophia, she always flirt with Josie cause she find her attractive, it was her nature to prey and feed on the any person she desire. So there was nothing going on between her and the saccubus. Lizzie believed her.

Lizzie left her twin alone for some moment when she said she was going bring her some ice cream so they could talk and catch up for the lost times. Josie took a shower and changed in her causal clothes. Being back was good and perfect except for the presence of her mate, who tried to approach her but she let her down. She would be lying if seeing the tribrid doesn't bring her calmness she was searching for months. But it also bothers her that she still has that effect on her.
She heard the door knocked and she was praying it wasn't Hope. She opened the door to find her best friend. MG. He hugged her
"I couldn't believe when Kaleb said you're back..." he tightened his grips around the girl "welcome back"
"MG... I can't breathe" She managed to say and MG let her go.
Josie goes back to sit on her bed while MG sat on a chair near her bed
"So what happened between you and my sister?" She asked him. MG got tensed at the question
"It's nothing Jo..." he tried to changed the subject but Josie didn't let him
"So she broke up with you for another guy... I don't believe that" She sneered at him
"I hid something which I shouldn't have..." he said
"MG..." She heard the door open again when Lizzie entered. She glanced between the two friends, standing there awkwardly.
"I should go" MG said and vamp out of their room.
"What aren't you telling me Lizzie?" She asked her twin. Lizzie sighed and placed the ice cream between them and cross her hand and asked
"I will tell you everything but first you have to tell me why did you hid the fact from me that the tribrid freak was your mate?"

Thought I should update double. Hope you'll like this chapter. Advance sorry for the mistakes and errors.

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