I Know Your Weakness

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Lizzie was upset that her sister is leaving them. Never in her 16 years of life she imagined to live without her twin. Josie was there for her in every highs and lows, she always took care of her and in return all the blonde could do is to support her in her decision to leave. When she was packing her stuffs in her room, Lizzie sat there glaring at her twin
"When are you coming back?" She asked Josie
"I don't know Lizzie" She answered her truthfully
"We would find a way to severe your bond with your mate... if that makes you stay here" Lizzie offered
"I've think this through... It's not possible" Josie said what she read in the books. Her answers somehow made the blonde mad
"Then tell me who's that, I'm sure I will kill that person who put you through this" She gritted her teeth.
"I know you would... that's why I'm not telling you. It doesn't matter now" Josie replied. She looked up to match her twin's eye as she get up and sat beside her.
"I'm going to be fine and I promise you I will come back when I don't feel the pull of the bond" Josie said helding her sister's hand.
"I hate your mate" Lizzie tell her
"I know, I do too" she replied and hugged her twin.
Then with a knock on her door, their father came in with some stuffs in his hands.
"Uhh...this is you passport and the tickets. You have a connecting flight from New York" he handed the brunette the stuffs.
"Take this. You're gonna need it" he told her while giving her a new phone.
"Thanks dad" Josie said. The hesitation and discomfort was clearly visible in his eyes as he was holding back not to cry in front of his daughters.
"We should get going your flight is in an hour" he informed her
"Just give me some time to say goodbye to my friends?" Josie asked. Alaric nodded at her.

Josie walked towards MG's room. She was about to knock but the vampire opened it before her.
"Josie, I can hear your heartbeat is racing like you just ran marathon" he said but brunette held an plain expression "Is everything okay?" He asked her
"Yeah it is" She tell him while he gestured her to came in his room. Kaleb wasn't there.
"I just came to say goodbye"
"You're leaving? Why?" MG asked although he had his guess about the situation but he has to heard from the brunette.
"The side effect of the rejection... It would be better if I stay away from here" She answered fidgeting with her fingers
"How could you do this and Hope didn't even stop you?" He asked disappointed visible in his eyes for the tribrid.
"This is for the best"
"For you or her?"
"For all of us" She said loudly "With the monsters and malivore being constant danger to the supernatural community, Hope needs to stay here. I can't just asked her to leave instead of me because even if I want it or not this school needs Hope" The brunette said with tears in her eyes. The vampire hugged his best friend.
"Did she know?" He asked in between their hug. Josie nodded in response. His fist clinched at the thought that every bad thing happening in his friend's life was the tribrid's fault.
"Lizzie's gonna need you when I'm gone..." She said breaking the hug "Just talk to her. It will work out" Josie encouraged him. Mentioning of his mate brought a smile to his face.
"I'll do it Jo. Take care of yourself" he said and with that Josie left his dorm. Her father was waiting for her outside the school.

She turns to looked at the school. Several thoughts crossed her mind about leaving Mystic Falls. In the different windows at the wall she hoped she could took a final glance at her mate. 'Ex-mate' She thought. Why wouldn't Hope want her? they are mates, they are born for each other. Alas! they couldn't be with each other. It was totally one sided. How could she not even consider a conversation? Or she could talk to her like a mature person would. She never thought what would happen to Josie after the decision she made. And it was all her fault.

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