Tv interviews

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Today it was one of those days that I was not in the mood to do anything I wasn't really feeling myself but I still had to manage to get up and head to an interview again. being a well-known celebrity not only that but being the daughter of Robert Downey Jr. has its tolls.

Sometimes I would like to wake up And just go outside and not being bombarded with paparazzi every step I take. I finally decided to get up and head downstairs to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin because man I am starving once I was finished drinking my coffee and eating my muffin I headed upstairs to shower not even 30 minutes into my shower my phone rings and it was none other than my dad

Rdj: Hey kiddo just wanted to check up on you to see how you are feeling

Y/n: hey Dad good morning thank you for checking up on me feeling much better than I was yesterday I think it was my anxiety or something but hopefully today I don't feel as nervous as every other day

Rdj: That's good to hear Sweetie Well I will let you go so you can get ready I know you have a long day today Bye love you

y/n: bye love you to

Oh my gosh what to wear what to wear I really hate going to these interviews because I never know what to wear most of the time like I know I shouldn't go flashy but I can't go bummy either.

After 20 minutes of looking in my closet I decided to go with Jeans a long sleeve shirt and heals
Your outfits 🌺

After 20 minutes of looking in my closet I decided to go with Jeans a long sleeve shirt and healsYour outfits 🌺

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I finished my hair and headed down stairs to the living room to get my keys and then headed out the door. I approached my car and sighed before going inside. I drove off to that interview 30 minutes later I arrived at the building and head up to the 20th floor. I checked In and waited until it was my turn.

Moments later I am escorted into a room where Jamie was at.

Yay here we go !!!!

Lady's and gentlemen today we have a very special guest with us please give a round of applause for y/n Downey

(Audience claps)

You sit down and smile and wave at the audience

Jamie:omg it's so good to see you last time I was able to sit down with you was like over a year ago. Man how time flys
Y/n oh I am so happy to see you as well, and yeah it's been a year huh wow that how busy life has been for us so much going on that I lost track of time (you laugh a bit)

Jamie so y/n I have some questions the fans are dying to know the answer's to are you up for it?

Y/n yeah lol hit me

Jamie okie great let's get this stared shall we!!
So @20333therename wants to know how long did it take you to realize acting was your talent

YN umm well I did follow in my dads foot steps and decided I wanted to give it a try it wasn't my first choice but I told my self I wanted to challenge my self and see how far I am willing to go so I would say around the age of 10 was when I told my self I was ready.

Jamie oh wow that really young okie so next question is @0987jellyfish wants to know is Tony stark your favorite marvel character?

YN umm one of them yes but I would say Natasha is because she is bad ass (you say with a laugh)

Jamie that's a great choice watch your dad get mad 😂

YN no I think he would understand 😂

Jamie @tomuchfood says who is your male celebrity crush

YN oh man (you start to get shy) ummm hah I umm well you see I don't know if that's a great idea I don't want them to freak out and get grossed out you know Hah

Jamie oh now you know that's not gunna happen I don't think they would do that sooo who's the man that stole your heart ❤️

Yn okie fine sorry in advice to this person but the answer is Sebastian Stan you say as you cover your face because it got really red.

Omg no way Jamie said. Wow I never seen that coming that's amazing he would totally feel honored to wow Sebastian Stan come get your girl. Well folks that all for us today until next time.

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