Online bullying

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It's been About four months since you started filming in the avengers movie. You where heading to the set when you suddenly got a notification from instagram. You didn't pay much attention to it because you where driving. Ten minutes later you finally parked your car and picked up the phone. You clicked on the post. Your whole mood changed when you started reading the comments on the pic you posted from your family dinner with Sebastian and the cast.
A lot of the comments where cute saying they loved your outfit or they love how Sebastian looked at you in the picture. Or just simply telling you they love you.
But then the comments started getting personal, your smile fade so fast and you started to tear up when you read the mean comments.
@justnotyourgirl wow how did Sebastian even stand YN she is so ugly she is trying so hard to look cute
@682736justno. Omg I know her makeup is ugly her clothes make her look like she shops at goodwill🤣
@youdont9999. Sebastian deserves some one who is actually worth being with YN is ugly asf she needs to lose weight and get surgery on her face
@justnotyourgirl replied back to @youdont9999 omg I know she's so fat her makeup looks like a child did it for her if I where Sebastian I would break up with her she's not worth dating🤪

You set your phone down and just let the tears roll down. You felt sick to your stomach. How could someone just say something like that. It hurt you to know people really think your the worst person to ever exist. You and Sebastian have been dating for four months know and you been extremely happy with him but the thought of people really saying all the means things really made you feel some type of way.

You wipe your tears and fixed the makeup you had on really quick and got out the car and head inside the building. You walk up to your dressing room where your hair and makeup team where waiting for you. Kim your makeup artist noticed the red in your eyes and was instantly worried.

She stayed quiet for a couple minutes until she finally spoke up.

Kim/hey lady's could I have alone time with YN for a bit I need to talk with her.

They other lady's smiled and walked out closing the door all the way.

You looked at Kim with concern and was scared about what was about to happen.

Kim/ sweet heart I know it's non of my business but you know I love you and worry about a lot and for that I will ask you what's wrong and don't say nothing because we both know your eyes are puffy from crying.

You looked at her with slightly teary eyes and just looked down and felt like your whole heart was being hit repeatedly. You finally looked up at her.

YN/ I don't think I am good enough for Sebastian Kim. You say with tears rolling down for cheeks.

Kim quickly sets the makeup brushes down and hugs you. You just continue crying until you pull away from her.

Kim/ now YN why on earth would you say that darling. Sebastian loves you so much and I knew from the very first time I seen the both of you that you both made the cutest couple ever I rooted for the both of you since day one. Who or what made you believe such thing.

YN/ no one it's just something I thought about a lot and I feel like Sebastian deserves someone better. I feel like he is just with me because of the fans bring it up to him. I just feel like that forced him to be with me.

Kim/ I promise you YN that those thoughts are just tricks that your mind is trying to scare you. You love him just as much as he loves you. He is the sweetest human person ever YN and you know his heart is yours. You are worth it YN and he will never break your heart. Because that's how much you mean to him. So never feel like your not enough because your way more then enough and deserve to be happy love.

You hug Kim and thank her for the reassurance and she smiles at you and continues with makeup. No matter what the thoughts of you not being enough are still lingering in your mind but you brushed it away when you hear the door open and you see your father and Chris walk in.

You smiled at them and they all stayed in your room while you got hair and makeup done talking about anything and just laugh and talked.

And hour later your makeup and hair where done and you got up to hug your dad. He knew you where having a moment but didn't want to bring it up infront of Kim and Chris so he just hugged you tightly and told you in your ear to breathe and relax every thing will be ok.

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