Ch.21 Final Matches

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Identity Arc*

*Narrator POV*

After the short intermission Izuku and Izumi were called down to the Arena with them traveling separate. As they stood across from each other Izumi walked up and offered her hand which Izuku after a short pause accepted it. Before Izumi could pull away Izuku pulled her close with his mouth to her ear as he whispered something into her causing her to look at him with shock before she slowly nodded her head in agreement. Izuku called the Proctor over causing him to reluctantly do so, after telling him what the two agreed too the Proctor walked back to his spot filling chakra in his vocal cords.

Proctor: A mutually agreed situation has been proposed by the contestants! This bout will be Taijutsu only, use of any form of jutsu or arts besides Taijutsu will result in immediate disqualification! Are the fighters ready!?

Izuku and Izumi went into fighting stance as the Proctor raised his hand in the air and gave a glance to the fighters.


*In the Spectator Stands with the Konoha Class*

They grew confused and some started making larger bets as they put everything on Izumi. You see to them Izuku is probably the fifth strongest in their class since Izuku has never gone over 25% since the teams started so they still believe Izumi is the strongest Taijutsu fighter. And now that Izuku can't use the Sharingan so Izumi to them has this in the bag which is why Izumi was shocked too when Izuku offered the stipulation.

Ochaco: Why would Izuku do that? He knows Izumi is way more proficient at Taijutsu then he is.

Jiro: Your right it's basically suicide to try and fight her with that alone.

Denki: I got 200 for Izumi!

Mina: Oh yeah. I double you that she ends it in 1 minute.

Momo: Hm. It seems like he wants to prove something but what's there to prove.



*Back To fight*

The proctor waved his hand down.

Proctor: Begin!

The proctor jumped back as Izumi and Izuku started to circle each other with Izuku wearing a blank stare and Izumi a conflicted and worried look. Finally Izumi decided to give Izuku a ultimatum.

Izumi: Izuku give up and I won't have to hurt you. You don't stand a chance against me.

Izuku just scoffed as he did a come here gesture annoying Izumi and making her charge Izuku. Izumi threw a punch at Izuku's face but Izuku just casually batted the punch aside and kneed her in the gut with his left knee causing her to spit saliva. Izuku then back handed her in the face sending her rolling away causing the crowd to grow silent.

The reason why Izuku wanted this fight to be like this was simple. He wanted to show Konoha their golden child was nothing compared to him. Their whole life she was viewed as n prodigy and given everything handed to her on a gold plater while Izuku had to work for this strength. The fact she was even called a prodigy made Izuku's blood boil and now he wanted to show the whole village she was nothing compared to him, none of them were. That's why he challenged her in her strength to make it even more humiliating.

Izumi was still stunned from the hit and tried to stand up from the hit. She was extremely vulnerable and could easily be taken down which every thought Izuku would do but he made no move to. Instead he just stood in there in his stance waiting for Izumi to get back up. Izumi recollected herself and stared at Izuku while taking deep breaths confused on why he didn't finish the job.

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