Ch.35 Gray

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Disclaimer I do not own My hero academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the plot and original characters


*Narrator Pov*

*Tailed Beast Saga*

*Lineage Arc*

Three months. These past three months of the best days of Izuku's life. The trio of Izuku, Eri, and Shoka kept their promise of meeting once a week. The week after their initial meeting they had a small picnic around the Land of Tea on a plateau overlooking the peaceful village. It was a quiet time with not much talking beside the causal glance the two adults gave to each other before looking away either to the distance or at Eri. Eri ignored the awkwardness between her parents and just enjoyed the moment.

Soon a month passed with each week the two adults slowly losing that awkwardness between each other and talking normally to one another. This made Eri really happy but unfortunately, her eyes had been hurting her a lot lately and she was too scared to tell her father or Uncle Orochi. Unfortunately, this withholding of information will bite the young girl soon.

At the beginning of the second month, the trio had been together, as they were eating in a ramen shop in Otokagekure. Eri collapsed from her stool holding her head and crying tears of blood badly. "Eri!" both parents yelled as they went to her side, "What's happening?!" shouted Shoka in worry cradling the young's girls head in her lap. Izuku knew what was wrong right away, he also noticed the crowd starting to swarm and call a doctor. "Hang onto me," ordered Izuku which Shoka listened by putting a hand on his chest. They disappeared in a black flash.

They were in a long dark hallway making Shoka grow on her guard, however, she grew distracted due to Izuku picking up Eri and running down the hall with purpose. "Hey!" shouted Shoka as she quickly followed after him, as they turned corners without breaking speed. "What's wrong with my daughter!? What didn't you tell me!?" Izuku ignored her as he kicked a door down making her freeze as it revealed a laboratory, but what made her stop was the man standing in the room with a lab coat messing with beakers.

"Orochimaru! She's having an attack!" "Put her on the bed." Izuku complied laying Eri gently on the bed as Orochimaru quickly went to work, he put her to sleep with a Genjutsu and gently opened her eyes taking out the fake eye contacts and making Shoka gasp. Izuku pulled her out of the room so Orochimaru could work and so he could explain.

"Izuku! What's going on?" growled Shoka with clear anger brewing in her. Izuku just sighed as he leaned against the wall, "Eri's purpose is getting in the way of her life." "What the hell do you mean and why does she have the Sharingan already?" "That's her purpose." "Huh?" Izuku closed his eyes as he knew this was going to make things complicated. So, he explained everything from the beginning to why Eri was made in the first place.

Once he had finished he received a slap across the face which didn't surprise him that much. "You truly are a monster, aren't you? To make a child for such a sick purpose, has everything been a lie until now? All you want is that power don't you?" "I use to but now I just want my daughter to be safe." Shoka looked taken aback by the answer but her gaze softened when she noticed Izuku holding his tears in.

So, she took a calming breath and sat next to Izuku putting her head on his shoulder, "What are you going to do with those eyes once you take them out?" "Probably, just hide them away somewhere in case Eri would ever want them back. Shoka I truly haven't thought of all that in a long time and it's felt liberating. I just want to be there for her and you." Shoka hummed as a smile formed on her face, they both sat there until Orochimaru finished.


They were informed by Orochimaru that she was fine it was just the Sharingan bleeding from overuse. He suggested some blindfolds or at least sunglasses for Eri to wear so she didn't constantly use her eyes. They came to the agreement that they would alternate between the two every other day. They were just thankful she was okay.

Soon they went back to their normal routine but something was different about Izuku, his soul which was once stained black was now cleansing itself fully. It now held a dark gray tone with certain spots having a lighter spot. However, that didn't mean the demon wasn't done with his toy, just waiting for the Uchiha to fall once again.

Another thing to change was the relationship between Shoka and Izuku, they now glanced at each other more often but this time it was something different, it was love. For the first time, their love was both equal and mutual. At first, neither really acted on it but their physical contact gradually increased every visit, from a simple hug to a kiss on the cheek to a full-on kiss between them. Soon it was the beginning of the third month and the two just made eye contact with each other while they were at the park.

"Eri. Why don't you go back to the base and play with Uncle Orochi while I talk with your mother." "Huh? But why?" "I'll give you 5 candy apples." Eri's shocked face quickly went to a dull neutral look. "8." replied Eri "Deal" responded Izuku as he put a hand on Eri's head making her disappear in a black flash. The two adults stared at each other for a second before Shoka lunged at him mounting on top of him. "We doing this?" she asked with an out of breath tone, "Hell Yeah." was all he could mutter.

*4 hours later* (No Smut for you)

Shoka and Izuku could be seen panting inside her bedroom with covers pulled up covering their chests both of their hair all razzled. "Wow." they both said while finally realizing what they had done. Nothing was said for the remainder of the night as the two just held hands under the covers.


Soon the end of the 3rd month came with the makeshift family chilling on a beach far from civilization, Izuku was helping Eri create a sandcastle while Shoka lay under an umbrella with a blanket. She was nervous since she called someone over to truly help Izuku. As Izuku was building one of the towers for the castle he felt a chakra signature that made him freeze.

He got up and turned coming face to face with Izumi who was nervously holding her hands together. Izuku quickly turned his head away in shame as he remembered all he did to her, all the heartbreak he caused her. Two arms wrapped around his chest making him look down seeing Izumi hug him tight with tears flowing down her face. Izuku slowly wrapped his arms around Izumi with tears starting to pool in his eyes.

Izuku collapsed to his knees sobbing as he fully embraced Izumi desperately clinging to her. Izumi fell with him just crying into his shoulder with her eyes closed in relief. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Izuku just kept repeating that same phrase over and over again. Izumi didn't say anything but just hugged harder.

After they had calmed down and got everything out they started talking to each other and catching up. Izuku introduced Eri to Izumi which lead to the young girl getting a hug as well. They talked and talked for hours until the sun itself started dropping below the horizon signaling it was time to head home. "Well, it was nice getting to see you again Izuku. Under better circumstances as well, next time let's talk about ways to help the Tailed Beasts." "Of Course, good night Izumi and Shoka." "Bye Auntie and Mama." The duo disappeared in a black flash leaving the two women standing there. Izumi turned to Shoka with a soft smile.

"Thank you." whispered Izumi truly thankful, Shoka just smiled as she shared the sentiment, "Of course." Neither woman noticed the masked nin shift in the shadows as they returned to their master. It didn't take long for the masked nin to reach an underground system and kneeled in front of a person reading a document. "Master. The Uchiha has made contact with the Successor as you predicted, however, it seems the Failed Creation had made contact first. Sir, the Uchiha has a child." The figure put his document down as he thought over the situation, he moved close to the nin revealing himself as Shota Aizawa.

"I see. Let's keep an eye on the situation."

*End of Chapter*

*Light Path Spoilers*

About the same as the Dark Path but Izumi was a little more aggressive to Izuku.

Next Chapter: Ch.36 No Turning Back

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