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"Are you sure we should do this?" Jack asked; he looked at me from the road. "Of course! I've done this before." I exclaimed as Jack pulled up to a small Barkey in Las Vegas. "How often do you do this?" He snorted, turning to look at me for a moment.

"Mostly when I'm really in the mood for cake but don't know which type I want."

"I feel bad about it. I feel like I'm stealing." Jack bit his lip,

"Well, I usually leave a nice tip and buy some cupcakes, so it at least seems like I was interested." I comforted and squeezed his hand,

"Wait, how are we gonna pass as if we are getting married?" Jack doubted.

"Did you think I came unprepared?" I lifted my hand to show a big 'engagement' ring on my ring finger; he gasped dramatically.

"you're going to make them think I'm made of money." I laughed,

"Lucky for you, it's fake, much like our impending marriage."

"Whatever you say, Mrs. Metzger." He snickered.

I slid out of my seat and followed Jack. When we got to the front door, Jack opened it for me with a light bell ring, and the smell of baked goods hit me as I stepped inside. I crossed my arm through Jack's, walking up to the counter. A white-haired, older woman stood behind the counter, her back to us.

She spun around, a sweet smile coming to her face. "Hello! I'm Gladys; welcome to my bakery. What can I do for you two today?" She greeted us, and I grinned back. "Hi! We were wondering if maybe we could try some samples of your cakes. My fiancé and I are planning our wedding, and we thought we might as well try some cake while we're here."

"Oh! Is this the fiancé?" Gladys guessed, pointing to Jack next to me; I nodded lightly. "Yes." She smiled at us.

"That's wonderful; congratulations!" She beamed,

"What are your names?"

"I'm Jack, and this is Savannah." Jack chimed in,

"You two look so young. How old are you?" Gladys questions,

"I'm 22, and Jack is 24," I admitted,

"Oh, you're so young! Okay, is there any cake you're thinking about for the wedding?" She inquired;

I pursed my lips. "Um... no, not really. The wedding is still a long way away."

"When is it?" She asked

"Ahh, next year... sometime in October. No final date just yet." I stuttered. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack nod. "Oooh, a fall wedding. Might I suggest trying the carrot cake first, then? That's usually our most popular for fall weddings." Gladys informed,

"That sounds great. We'll try that first." I agreed.

"Good. You can take a seat, and I'll be right out with your cake." She smiled, and I returned the smile. "Thank you so much." Gladys rushed off to the back; we sat at the closest table. I finally realized, looking around, that no one else was in the bakery but us.

"How did you come up with that?" Jack queried, surprised,

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"The date of our 'wedding'?" He responded.

"I'm good on my feet; what can I say?" I explained. He shook his head and then glanced around.

"I feel bad. There's no one here."

Big white bed ~J.M.Where stories live. Discover now