☕The Smell of Coffee...How Cliché☕

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~Muggle AU
~Fred: 24
~Cedric: 25

It was a breezy Autumn morning, leaves dancing around in the wind. There was a man with dark hair, said hair moved along with the wind, flying in all sorts of ways. He was walking along a brick street looking at the cars driving through puddles of rain. As he was walking he absent-mindely lifted his light tan scarf closer to his slightly chapped lips and red rosy cheeks. As soon as he stopped at his destination he looked at the small blue shop before walking in, the familiar sound of door chiming was heard and he walked into the line. he came to the small coffee shop very frequently so the workers know of him and he knows of them. Once it was his turn he looked at the worker immediately recognizing her, it was a Scottish girl with mid length black hair and a set of cute bangs that suited her very well, anyone would think she was cute.

Cedric smiled at her "Hello Cho, how have you been." Cho smiled back. "I have been great, how about you Cedric.?" She asked as she looked down her bangs falling in her eyes. "I have been great as well." Cedric replied. Cho smiled again before saying "that's good to hear anyways what would you like to order..?"

"Ummm one coffee with cream and sugar, i would also like a banana muffin if that's alright."

"Of course that will be 5.79"

Cedric payed and smiled. "It will be done soon" Cho said kindly. Cedric thanked her before walking off to the side to wait for his order. After about 10 minutes his order was ready and he took it thanking the person before turning around. When he was checking everything he wasn't paying attention and someone bumped into him spilling the coffee all over his front. He gasped and hissed in pain as the burning hot coffee hit his shirt and bleed through the cloth, touching his bare skin searing it with pain.

After the pain dialed down, he breathed in a breath before looking up at the one that knocked into him. He saw a guy slightly shorter then himself, with bright ginger hair and a freckled face. Then he looked down into the guys milk chocolate like eyes. The guy started to laugh. "Today must not be your day huh" He said laughing more. Cedric thought that he should be mad at the man in front of him but he just couldn't seem to especially if he kept laughing like that. Once the guy calmed down from laughter he cleared his throat "Anyways I'm Fred, Fred Weasley and if you would fancy a new coffee I can pay for it since you know I kinda spilled it." Cedric smiled slightly before replying "I'm Cedric Diggory and there's no need to but me a new one, I can get it myself but thank you." Fred's bright smile dimmed slightly "oh ummm sure, well I guess I will see you around." Then the man left leaving Cedric alone to order himself a new coffee.

Cedric should have felt relieved but a part of him wished he had let the man get him a new coffee so they could spend more time together but he can't go back now. He shook the thought away and started to walk back to the counter with a sheepish smile. He stopped and looked at Cho and noticed that she had a smirk plastered on her face, his smile faltering as he saw the smirk and glint in her eyes "what..?" He said slightly nervous. Cho's smirk widened "Oh nothing it's just that I could tell you like him.." Cedric's eyes bulged. "What! No why would I randomly start liking a guy I just met its not like his laugh was attractive in any way.." He said scratching the back of his neck in doubt. Cho giggled "I know you like him I can tell by the extra sparkle in your eyes and the way you change your voice to a softer tone talking about him so i will give you a tip. He normally comes here everyday at 9:00 o'clock in the morning." She said it with genuine even though she had liked Cedric for a while now, but she had still wanted him to be happy.

Cedric blushed and smiled shyly thanking her and asking for a new coffee. She said "Of course" Then walked away to make the coffee. Cedric had done the same routine he had done just moments before. Then he drank his coffee and ate his muffin at a seat by a window. After finishing he left fairing a goodbye to Cho and went home.

~A week later~

He had entered the shop everyday at the same time as Fred for a week, and everytime he just orders, sits down, and watches Fred from a view, to nervous to walk up and talk to the fiery red head. It was the last day of the week and Cedric entered the coffee shop being hit with its warm aroma and the nostalgic sound of the bell ringing as you enter. He walked up to the register and looked at Cho. Cho smiled and greeted him with a cheery hello, and Cedric replied with a hi in the same tone. "So what can I get for you today Ced..?" Cho asked kindly "Ohhh um.. I would like a green tea with a chocolate chip muffin today thank you" Cedric said as he skimmed through the menu.
"Ok one order of a green tea and a chocolate chip muffin coming right up" Cho said as Cedric payed a once again waited for his order off to the side.

Once his order was finished he was called and he walked up taking his breakfast and thanking the person before abruptly turning around like he had done before.As he moved he had sudden deju vu and before he knew it the same thing a week ago happened again in the blink of an eye. He once again felt the pain of the sizzling hot liquid of his drink on his skin. Shrieking he held the leg of his pants as far away from his bare skin as possible so it could no longer burn him. Once he looked up his face had become slightly hot, "ahhh we've got to stop meeting like this haven't we." The red head Cedric has been crushing on had said. "I guess so" Cedric replied.

Fred took a few napkins and gave them to Cedric, allowing him to dap the napkin on his pants soaking up the liquid. After finishing cleaning up Cedric looked up at Fred again. "So this time I insist on buying your order for you." Fred said in a serous but light tone. "But-" "No buts"

Then Fred reordered Cedrics meal along with his own, bought it, and picked it up when it was done. Then he lead Cedric to a table for two. They both sat down enjoying their orders and talked to eachother about the most random things and even told eachother that they had both been thinking of eachother for the entire week.

Little did they know just a week ago that they would become so close and eventually end up together...

~A month later~

"I never new I would love the smell of coffee so much until I met you."

~1247~ Words

Cedric Diggory × Fred Weasley Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now