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Modern AU~

He woke up groaning, and rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of the tired from them. He drug himself out of bed, unplugged his phone, and stalked off to his bathroom with his phone in hand. He entered the bathroom and imedietly cringed at the cold tiles touching his bare feet. He looked at his reflection, his red locks were everywhere and his eyes were puffy. He sighed before rinsing his face with cool water, he grabbed his cleanser and scrubbed his face until he thought he had cleansed it enough. Then he rinsed the soap off and dapped his skin dry with a towel. After that he brushed his teeth and brushed his hair. Walking back to his room he pulled out a cute outfit. It was a striped long sleeve shirt, a pair of baggy jeans, and red converse.

Once he was ready he picked up a banana and walked out his door slamming it on his way out

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Once he was ready he picked up a banana and walked out his door slamming it on his way out. He walked down his street and headed towards a cute flower shop that might have a cute boy working inside, but that was defineitly not the reason he goes to buy flowers every few days. He got to the front door before throwing his banana peel onto the grass and walking inside. The door chimed and he walked into the aisle with the roses, he smiled as he saw the handsome brunette boy talk to a costumer. Fred shook his head and looked back at the roses, his favorite where the red ones and yes he knew it was cliche but he didn't care. He picked up one red rose and headed for the front but before he got to the register he saw a yellow rose to his left and he knew he had to get it for the brunette boy. He picked it up and grinned even wider then before, he finally had the courage to do the first move. He walked up to the register and put the two flowers down.

"Hi, how are you?" The guy with the perfect smile asked.
Fred smiled back "Hi, i'm good how about you?"
"Good, is this all you want?"
"Okay that will be 5 dollars."
Fred handed him the money and the boy handed him the flowers but before the boy could give him the yellow rose, Fred put his hand up.
"You can keep that one, I bought it for you, Pretty boy." Fred said winking. The brunette flushed and whispered a thank you as his perfect smile lit up more than Fred had ever seen. Fred smiled back just as bright and slid a paper to the boy before walking out of the doors. The brunette looked down at the note before picking it up and reading it. The red head's number was written in scrachy handwriting.  That small moment made the boy smile for the rest of the day.

~495 words~

- Sorry if it was short but I hope you still like this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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