🎂A Birthday of Messes🎂

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It was August 11th, 1994, Ginerva Weasley's 13th birthday. Fred and George decided today was the perfect day to celebrate Ginny with a morning prank. They took out a feather, shaving cream, a bucket and ice water because they plan on tickling her face so she can splatter the cream. Then once she wakes up from the cream they will pour freezing cold ice water on her and her bed. It was the perfect plan. They quietly walked to Ginny's bedroom door listening with their ears up against the hard wood, feeling the cool surface on their faces. They heard light snoring so they smiled as they turned the door nob as slowly as possible to not make a sound.

Once they were inside the room they walked over to her bed their socked feet pitter pattering against the floor. As they stood at the bed they towered over her to see her hair in her face and saliva protruding from her mouth. The view made Fred snort and in return George hit him in the back of the head, making Fred gasp and glare at his slightly younger brother. George looked at him like he was the dumbest person in the world. They then quickly got to work, Fred moved Ginny's hand so the palm was facing outwards, then George put the shaving cream on her hand. They both smirked at each other and then looked at ginny mischievously. They took the feather from their pockets and were about to start until George came to a hault "wait Freddie we need to bewitch the water bucket to dump on her head when she wakes up!" George whispered urgently. Fred immediately froze his hand inches from Ginny's face, he retracted his steps before bewitching the water bucket and going back into position. They moved their hands towards her face and moved the feathers allover.

Her nose scrunched and she started to squirm a bit before her hand came flying up to her face to scratch at the annoying feeling, luckily Fred and George had already moved away.


Her face was drenched in shaving cream, maybe George added a little to much. Ginny screamed, sitting up faster then lightning, then all of a sudden it got worse as water came rushing down onto her head going everywhere. Her hair was soaked her clothes were seeping with liquid and her face was full of cream. She groaned before opening her eyes and staring straight at the twins with the most morbid fire you could think of "You!" She growled it was like Satan possessed her. The twins gulped sweat going down their faces. Ginny started to scramble to her feet as the twins yelped running to the stairs.

Once they got to the bottom with Ginny on their tail they ran to the front door, George opening it as fast as possible and they immediately ran outside screaming like children running away from a scary clown. After they looked around Fred spotted his lovely boyfriend Cedric walking up to their residence. He beamed as he ran towards him leaving his twin to defend himself from what seemed to be a literal figure of Satan. He hugged the brunette with much force making the boy yelp as he was just hit by a fearful redhead. He automatically hugged the freckled boy back "Hey Freddie are you alright..?" Fred smiled into the boy's neck and let go as he looked into his eyes "Hi Ced." Cedric returned the smile before looking at him with a 'what's happening' kinda look. Fred pointed at Ginny strangling his soon to be dead twin brother. Cedric chuckled at the scene before looking back at Fred "What did you two do now.?" He asked. Fred rubbed the back of his neck "nothing much we just sorta pranked her when she was sleeping and she sorta turned into a mini demon" He explained using his hands. Cedric laughed shaking his head before taking Fred's hand in his and walking him back into the house passing by George and Ginny as if George wasn't calling for help.

Once they were inside they left off to the kitchen to see Molly. Right when they entered Molly turned to them with a heart warming smile. "Hello Cedric dear what brings you over.? Oh and hello to you to Fred." Fred goggled at how she barely even noticed he was standing right next to Cedric. Cedric laughed before replying "Oh well it's Ginny's birthday so I thought I might stop by and of course to see Fred" he said giving Fred a kiss on the forhead. Fred's ears turned red and looked away slightly shy. Molly smirked at her son and then looked back at Cedric "Well that's very kind of you dear, anyways I am going to do some things around the house if you don't mind." She said. Cedric smiled "oh that's no problem." And right as he said that Molly left to do something else.

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