🌹The Garden of Secrets🌹

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   Cedric the prince: 21
    Fred the villager: 20


       There were two young men one a prince and the other a villager. The prince was constantly busy and always on time, whilst the other was a town prankster and didn't have much but plenty of imagination.

     You would think that since the prince had so much money that he would have a perfect life full of happiness and desire but the young prince wasn't very happy not at all. He had no time to do any of the things he wished to do and he couldn't even love someone if he wanted to unless it was forced. This was all because he was royalty and his father was a man by rule. This goes to show how much the saying money can't buy you happiness is true. He just wished he could have a little bit of freedom and that's exactly why he changed into a set of ordinary clothes that he bought when he went to the village last week for a meeting. He had also put on a cloak so no one would recognize his features.

    Once he finished preparing his look he headed to the entrance of the castle to exit it. As soon as he got to the door he saw a royal guard and panicked, then he came to the conclusion that he could act as someone that had just given the royal family a gift of some sort. So he walked to the entrance about to exit but a guard stopped him.

"Who are you and were did you come from"

"Ummmm" Cedric had to improvise. "Well I had just been summond to pick up a delivery for the royal prince Cedric, he told me to tell you that he needed this item immediately and there is no need to check bc there isn't enough time." Cedric said changing is voice to sound raspy and tired.

  The guard sighed before approving him and moving away so he could exit the castle. Cedric smiled under his cloak as a sweat droplet rolled down his face and fell from his chin to the floor. He quickly scurried away before the guard could change his mind. It took him a good hour or two to get to the village because it is pretty far on foot. Once he entered the village he stepped into a small shop full of convient things like water that he very much needed at the moment. He hadn't realized how far the village actually was so he didn't pack anything to drink.

   After entering he quickly asked for a water bottle and payed for it with a few cents, smiling at the worker, making sure they could only see his mouth.  Then he left, standing in front of the dirt road and gulped down the water he was just granted with. After finishing the refreshing liquid he threw the bottle away and started to look around the village for a unique place to enter.

   After looking around for a short amount of time his eyes landed on an interesting looking shop, it looked like any regular old candy shop at first glance but if you actually look you can see that it is quite unique. It had said that all candy's were custom made and each had a surprise or special effect. It had stood out from the rest of the shops because of its booming positivity and color, it was like a butterfly in a meadow of grass. He had decided that this was the kind of place he was looking for and wanted to investigate.

   Walking up to the building he entered through the door and immediately was suprised at how fun the inside looked. There were kids and teens running around laughing and giggling with eachother looking as if they were having the times of the their lives. He went to a section with candy's of different sorts and looked at them with dazzling eyes, he has never seen any candy like this. He was picking one up when someone said hello abruptly "Hello, who might you be I don't think I have ever seen you in my shop before." Cedric gasped dropping the candy and turning around in surprise "uuhh umm ehm ehm I am uh Ced- um Ceder" Cedric said in uncertainty and panic. The man infront of him laughed "ok um Ceder I am Fred, Fred Weasley I co own this place with my twin George." He said with a toothy grin. Cedric awkwardly laughed scratching the nape of his neck.

Cedric Diggory × Fred Weasley Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now