-He's Blind.
I was planning this to be revealed in a later chapter but who cares!!
The reason he's blind is because when he was younger, he and Zensu were best freinds. They'd do anything together sleeping, helping Zensu clean, and many other things. One day, Zensu's Uncle found out about their freindship(they kept their freindship secret) and told Aonesai to bully and treat Zensu like everyone else. Aonesai tried to reason with Zensu's uncle but he then forcefully made Aonesai do it by saying his family would die if he doesent do as he says.
Forced to do it in order to protect his family, what started as a inseperable Freindship:
turned into hatred for the other.
One day, after Zensu ran Away from the Humono Clan.
Aonesai was both angry and dissapointed in himself. He then went to Zensu's uncle and started arguing with him. The argument ended with Zensu's uncle grabbing a knife scarring Aonesai's face with the Eyes taking the most damage.
He then became Blind that very day. He wasnt used to it as first but he got used to it. Though the manor was mainly silent he could still use the walls as his guide.
He was later assigned to the Ender watcher shrine. A shrine dedicated to the Ender Watchers. He was later called the shrine priest by many people coming and going.
- His Sin would be Sloth since he would spend his free time sleeping all day long. When they were kids, Zensu would have a hard time making Aonesai let go of his pillow's and blanket.
Scenarios with Eneri-2
DiversosWattpad says that i dont have enough space for another chapter so ye..... this is a continuation of the book. If you have not read the first one then you wont understand many things in this one.