Part 14; Guilt

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After almost 3 hours of watching these men talk about women, dirty business, and rich people things they were finally too drunk and left.

"Call me so we can see when we can talk again," Valentino said.

"Don't worry Santo. Thanks for everything you did for me." Elijah shook his hand. "Hopefully I will see you very soon." Elijah kissed my hand.

I smiled and grabbed Valentino's hand. Walking away from Elijah. I did it. I successfully stayed in a room next to Elijah and survived.

But I realized Valentino was drunk, the guards would leave him, this is my chance. I can take him.

"Where to now?" He leaned on me in front of his car.

"I want us to go somewhere."

"Where?" He tried to kiss me but I moved.

"It's a surprise. Anyways you can't drive."

"Well then. JOSH!" He yelled.

"NO! No, I can drive don't worry."

"Are sure?" He tried kissing me again but I moved

"Yes," I said.

"Fine take me," he said.

I quickly went in before he can say anything. He was babbling words but I couldn't understand. I felt a huge pit of guilt.

I wasn't sure if this is what I wanted to do. Even though it's been one week with the people he loves and one night with him I've somehow met these people.

Sarah has told me so much. Valentino isn't a villain but a victim. I knew what I had to do and that is taking him. But I had a feeling deep inside that I shouldn't.

"You know," he looked at me.

"Know what?" I laughed.

"I've been. I've been so confused, I don't know whether to continue my business whether to marry, or whether to have kids. I'm stuck and I'm old!" He laughed.

"It's just life. I guess."

"You know last night is the first night I lived." He said.

"Me too." I whispered. "Then why not leave with the money you earn?"

"I was born in a world where I didn't have an option." Everyone has one. "It was join or be killed. My father forced me. That's why I couldn't leave. This is like leave and die. Like you can quit and leave. But you would be found and killed. I have enemies. Enemies, enemies." He said.

"We all have choices and aren't forced to do anything."

He chuckled and looked at me. "I know. I had the choice to die. But you know I'm afraid of death. Well not for me, but the people I love. Maybe a little me. But I was hit everyday physically and mentally, be like me son! BE LIKE ME!" He yelled.

His words blurred behind me as I thought of what I was going to do. ANGELINA STAY OUT OF THIS! I thought to myself.

Estella knows what to do. That's take Valentino and go back to living. Take Valentino, take him, take him.

"How many people have you killed?" I asked to try to make myself feel better.

"Honestly many, but not how you think, they deserved it, well some didn't but I was TOLD TOO! At 4 year old I was told to grab a gun. My father gave me that gun and showed me how to shoot. The next day he put a gun on my mom. And yelled 'ITS YOUR MOM OR ITS HER!' that's when I killed a woman. My first murder."

The guilt became greater and I felt myself moving the steering wheel. "What's wrongggg." He whined. "Why are we going back?"

"Oh I feel like going home instead."

"What about the place you wanted us to go to."

"It can wait."


Do you think she did the right thing? Or do you think there's no excuse to be a person like Ace?


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