18 - Unexpected Passengers

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We hiked through the forest for a long while, the ghostly wails of the Ceythodians dwindling gradually in the air behind us. Though the storm had lightened since leaving the village, the fog seemed to swirl thicker now in the cool afternoon air. Ralph and Albright continued to carry Calpurnia behind me, one man beneath each arm as they followed at the rear of our convoy. Ezra walked beside Ellie up ahead, his hand shifting anxiously in his bag, certainly toying with the radio that sat within it. My legs moved seemingly on their own, carrying me along the path Ezra etched in the dirt as the tumbling fog in the air seeped into my brain, clouding my thoughts.

I thought of Ellie for a time - of my growing feelings for her. I couldn't help but imagine losing her in this horrid place. Of all the scattered images of my crewmates' demises, Ellie's tore at my heart the most. Did it make me a bad person to even recognize that?

I thought about my own death - how would it happen? Was I ready to die? Did it truly matter if I wasn't?

I spent the longest time thinking of my family, however - of what they were doing now, and of how they felt about me leaving them selfishly behind for a life of adventure. If I died out here, could they survive without me? Would they thrive without me?

Would they even care if I never returned home?

An hour passed - maybe two - before I was yanked from my dismal thoughts. Ellie was standing beside me, her brows furrowed as she stared into my eyes. "You doing alright, Zach?"

"Yeah... I'm fine," I nodded, clearing my throat. "What's up?"

"Nothing. You've just looked a bit dead for a while, that's all. Just making sure your brain didn't shut off on us."

"I'm pretty sure it did," I sighed, shaking my scrambled thoughts from my head. "But I think it's turning back on, now."

"Good," she replied, lowering her voice. "Ezra thinks we're far enough from the village to make the call to Lily. We're stopping in just a second."

"Right..." I groaned, eyeing Albright carefully.

"I'm nervous about him, too," Ellie sighed. "But Ezra is right. We can't stay here forever, Zach."

I nodded. "At the end of the day, I guess Albright doesn't have to like us, right? As long as we're doing the right thing. That's what matters."

"He can stay behind if he really wants to," she smiled. "But once he sees the Tourist, I doubt he'll make the wrong choice."

Ezra paused up ahead, peering over his shoulder at us. He nodded to me as our gazes met, sighing. "Alright. I think it's about time we stop for a bit."

"Seriously? Already?" Albright chuckled. "And I thought I'd be the first one to crash."

Ezra ignored the man, clearing his throat anxiously before speaking. "How does this place look, Ralph?"

Ralph glanced up into the sky, thinking. "There's a lot of open space above... should be plenty of clearance, I'd say."

Ezra nodded as Albright groaned softly. "It's as good a place for a camp as any, I'd say. You know... I suppose I wouldn't mind stopping for a little while. I could gather us some lunch before we go on, if you'd like. We should have a few good hours before nightfall."

Ezra reached carefully into his bag, narrowing his eyes. "We... we're not planning on going any further, Albright."

Albright scoffed quietly, glancing hesitantly between the rest of us before speaking. "I don't think I understand..."

Ezra sighed as he removed his arm from the bag, revealing the radio that sat tightly in his clasped fingers. "You just have to trust me on this, Albright. Please trust me."

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