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I'm so glad you asked
Asked about school.
I felt so free
When i bid high school a naughty bye.

Yes, i feel free
Free like a bird.
For so long have i waited,
Finally, it is here.

Six donkey years
Have i numbly aligned,
To the controlling control
Of secondary school education.

Six years of obedience
To the jingling of bells,
The seven thirty bells.
Free from all.

I am gladly free
Free from being sentenced
To six years imprisonment
Wearing the prisoner's uniform.

Free like a bird
From the frenzy of break periods
And the ironical solemnity;
Of morning assemblies.

Free, free and free again
From the perturbing daily calls
Of the morning register;
Glad to be free.

Free at last
From assignment's wickedness,
The merciless whips,
And the following pitying eyes.

Free at last,
Free, finally free....
Like a bird.


I am so bored,
And i know you don't mind
If i pour it all out,
To you alone.

I feel so stupid
I'm not getting any better.
I'm not getting wiser;
Not even pleasing anyone.

Nothing comes easy;
So was i told.
Nobody likes what i do;
Extremely frustrating.

I've been hated;
Long enough to cry.
Cheated, scorned, mocked,
Like a mockingbird I guess.

Sometimes I really don't know,
Don't know how to feel.
I hear my name ring;
Boredom is calling.

I still don't know how to feel
Just stupid.
My chill pill isn't working;
I'm stupid.


I always have a longing
To have a feel again
Of times I had happiness
That I wished would never end.

I've always had this thought
To revisit my past
And thank all who made life
Seem like heaven on earth.

I've always longed to decipher
The charm I used on my pals
Making 'em see my happiness
As a pleasure.

The longing comes again
I want to spend good time
With treasured ones;
Relishing every second of it.

I long to see again
And to feel again
The joy of being gainfully happy,
Of inward satisfaction.

I long to smile again
To feel loved again;
I mean, like before.

I long
I long to be happy again.


I need to be sane
I'm currently not
Did a lotta' thinking;
Think I lost it then.

I need to be sane;
Sanity is life.
I need to live,
Fight for existence.

I need to be sane;
Sanity is meaningfulness.
Meaningfulness pleases others,
Think i need a change.

I need to be sane,
Before I go insane.


I never please others,
I am the bad egg.
They say I lack respect,
Hey! I am Oyonanke.

I talk less nowadays;
Do more of thinking,
No one understands though.
Yet, I am still myself.

I don't even know how to feel;
I feel animalistic,
People driving happiness out;
Wait, my name's Oyonanke.

I lack all the encouragement;
I am going insane.
Nobody says kind words;
I am used to it.


Yes, I am still Emmanuel;
Not the one you knew.

I am no longer the lad
Burning with good health.
A frequently bedridden old man;
Frequently watching my body recover.

I am not the guy with the friends;
Only a handful are with me,
Making no impact at all.
My self esteem has fallen

I read, all right
Nothing compared to before.
I no longer write;
My setbacks seem unbecoming,
All in nine months.

I have a lot to tell;
But no listening ear.
I have changed culturing,
Combating harmful traditional practices.

I am still the one you knew;
No longer the one you left.

I am....
Another man.


Before now
I had always thought otherwise
Of this action:"change"

Is more than I thought it was.
Discovered it requires greater
Than mere words.

I learnt the hard way,
I admit.
The perfect way to change,
Is to focus on
Prolly' i earlier focused on

All these came hard;
The change was too sudden,
Way too sudden.

I'll probably,
Learn to adapt gradually
To change.

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