Elementals group chat No. 1

10 1 7

felix has entered the chat

Felix: hi!

Tay: hi!!

Aaron: 'ello!

Jack: hellooooo

Jaye: Hoi!

Melody: Hi hi!

Xane: what?

Simon: Hiya!

Felix: :0 Xane actually took responsibility and added Simon and Melody?! Pigs have begun to fly. the earth is flat and hell is frozen.

Xane: Ha ha. . . NOT. FUNNY.

Felix: it is a little bit. . .

Xane: 🙄fine. a little bit

Felix: 😁

Xane: 😑I'm going to steal this mans toes.

Felix: Noooo not mah toessss i need those to walk!

Xane: I'm still going to steal them.

Jaye: what the hell did i just read?

Tay: i have no idea

Aaron: wat the fuq?

Melody: Language!

Aaron: right right sorry. What the fuck?

Melody: thats not what i meant.

Aaron: english.

Melody: Smartass.

Tay: stop insulting each other before you have no more thumbs to text with because i ripped them off.

Aaron O.o

Melody: O_O

Tay: thats what i htought.

Jack: what you read is called LoVe 🥰

Xane: I'm going to kill u in about two seconds Jack. 

Jack: O_O *runs*

Xane I thought so. 😒

Jack: 😌so your not gonna knife me in the head?

Xane: ? no.

Jack: o thank god!

Xane: u didn't acctually think i was gonna kill u did yiu?

Jack: -_-" no.

Aaron: Lies. you bolted out of the room.



look! me at ten y/o

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look! me at ten y/o

Tay: :0 cat.

Jack: yes I was quite cat and nature obsessed



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