2 ⨝ Prophecy

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so about tomorrow
I have class in the evening
I can come see you afterwards tho
like 9ish?

that's fine


do you need the address?

but ty
see you tomorrow

Jaehyun put his phone away, yet the girl didn't quite leave his mind. There was something off about her - he was sure of it.

And he was just as sure that he was going to figure it out.

However, for now, he had to focus. After all, they had just brought Han to their office and were about to question him about the incidents of earlier.

Yuta, Jaehyun, Han - they were all ready, yet had to wait as Taeyong was still not here.

Despite being the first to get there, which was a result of him not having even left the office yet, he was the last to enter the room. He had asked the others to wait for him since he had been busy.

Busy with what, you ask?

Well, it might have been late but Lee Taeyong couldn't help himself. So he entered the room with a plate and a glass of water ere he placed them on the table in front of Han.

The boy looked at Taeyong in confusion who motioned towards the plate that had a still-warm piece of cake lying on it.

"Try it!" he encouraged him.

Han frowned slightly as he watched Taeyong take a seat opposite him. All the while, Jaehyun was leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets as he watched the boy silently. And Yuta, rather disinterested, was on his phone.

"Isn't this... an interrogation?" Han questioned, nodding towards the cake. "You are giving me food?"

"This isn't an 'interrogation'," Taeyong assured quickly before scrunching his nose. "That's such an unpleasant word anyway."

He raised a brow, looked at Jaehyun who seemed bored but at least showed enough interest to look at him.

"Then what is this?"

Surely, this was a trick.

It must have been.

He was at 127's headquarters. Everybody knew that they took any gifted troublemaker directly to their office rather than to the police. Everybody knew that these boys let others disappear with ease. Make them go quiet. Never be heard off again and-

"He's jumping to conclusions," Jaehyun noted under his breath.

"Sure seems like it," Yuta agreed without even looking up.

Han narrowed his eyes at the boys. "I just don't really trust you."

"I trust you though!" Taeyong reassured him happily.

"You trust everyone," Jaehyun said.

"It's better than having trust issues," the oldest muttered.

"Trust issues are better than dying," Yuta pointed out.

Taeyong, being done with their negative attitudes, sighed. "Han's not gonna kill us." And then, he looked at said boy. He smiled. Warm. Sweet.

Awfully intimidating for some reason.

"Am I right?" Taeyong questioned. It sounded like a warning.

Han swallowed hard. "Of course." He looked at the three. "I don't think I could take it up with the three of you even if I wanted to."

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