3 ⨝ Nothing

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Within a moment of the lecturer ending the class, the room was filled with noise from all sides. People started chatting, notebooks and laptops shut close, chairs were scraped over the floor. A few deep sighs managed to push through the noise. 

One of them came from Seo-ah. 

"It should be illegal to have class until this late," she complained loudly, eyeing the teacher angrily who didn't care at all. Understandably so. It's not like she wanted to be here at this time either. 

No one did. 

"The real crime is having to do this for 5 more months," Hye-jin commented drily. She rolled her shoulders back, exhausted from sitting for hours on end. She slid her arms through the backpack's straps, then grabbed her phone. 

"A joke honestly," Seo-ah muttered. She glimpsed at her friend, noticing that she was focused on her phone. Without giving it much thought, she reached for Hye-jin's hand and carefully guided her out of the crowded classroom. 

Hye-jin smiled. "Thanks," she said, eyes on her phone. Meanwhile, Seo-ah looked ahead, trying her utmost to get them out of the building as fast as she could. 


She wanted to sleep. 

But why did she have the feeling as if there was a reason why she couldn't? A feeling as if there was something she was forgetting?

Could it be that...?

"Jinnie," Seo-ah called her.


Although she dreaded the answer, she still had to ask, "Do we have an assignment due tonight?" 

"Yeah," Hye-jin confirmed absent-mindedly. "The class expectation questionnaire thing." 

Seo-ah slowed down and took a deep breath. She nodded to herself. "Of course..." 

She finally stopped, seeing how they were close to the building's exit and far enough away from others to stop comfortably without bothering anyone. "Did you do it already?" 

Hye-jin nodded. 

Seo-ah grimaced in despair. 

"It's not that much work," Hye-jin commented, finally looking up from her phone. She smiled at the frowning girl. "Don't worry. Just write random stuff in it if you can't think of anything." 

Seo-ah nodded. "That's what I was gonna do." Her eyes fell onto the girl's phone which lit up upon receiving a new message. It caused her to remember something. "Ah, right, you aren't going home, are you?" 

"No, I have to meet with these guys." 

"The 127 boys~" Seo-ah said through an exhale, slightly impressed. "Will you be okay? I heard they are dangerous."

She raised a brow. "Then why do you sound so excited?" 

"Cause I also heard they are handsome," she replied with a smirk. 

Hye-jin laughed before shaking her head. "It's alright, it's all just rumours," she said, dismissing her friend's comment. "They are Johnny's friends so I'll be fine." 

"Right." Seo-ah agreed. "Speaking of Johnny, what did he say when you told him that you'd go see his friends today?"

Hye-jin eyed her phone. She hummed. "Apparently I forgot to tell him." 


hey little sis
want me to pick you up?

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