10 ⨝ Navy

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Woo-yeo followed Jaehyun into the law faculty's cafeteria. He looked around curiously, trying to spot any differences in the buildings and rooms therein.

"Mr Shin," Jaehyun called his colleague who was obviously a little lost in thoughts. Woo-yeo looked at the younger one right away, greeted with his dimpled smile which left him with a warm feeling. "This way," Jaehyun guided him towards the trays which the older had accidentally missed.

"Oh, right, thank you."

Woo-yeo turned toward Jaehyun's direction, yet his eyes kept wandering around aimlessly. Jaehyun laughed to himself at the man's behaviour. Always lost in thoughts, always somewhere else mentally. However, in the end, they managed to get their food.

Jaehyun continued confidently walking through the cafeteria, actively pretending like this wasn't his first time here too. After all, usually Yuta would come to eat with him. Today he had been too busy for that though and so Jaehyun offered to meet him at his department's cafeteria.

"Jaehyun!" Yuta called the boy whose eyes swiftly followed the sound of his voice. He spotted his friend sitting at a table to his right, not too far away. Next to him sat a woman that Jaehyun hadn't seen before.

"Ah," he exhaled in relief. "There he is." He turned his head a little, spotting Woo-yeo from the corner of his eyes. "Let's go?"


Just a moment later, Jaehyun sat his tray down opposite Yuta's. He smiled at him and asked,

"Hey, how are you?"

"Good, just a bit busy," he replied. Once the two were seated he introduced the woman next to him. "This is Jigu, my colleague." The two men bowed their heads politely while Yuta continued to explain to her, "They are in PR and communications so they usually eat in the other building."

She nodded. "I see. Nice to meet you two. You are friends of Yuta?"

"Yuta and I are friends," Jaehyun confirmed, then turned to his colleague. "Mr Shin is my colleague, he was the first one I really talked to when I started here."

"Oh!" she exclaimed and smiled brightly as she turned to Yuta. "Just like us then," she concluded, amused.

Yuta looked at her blankly at first yet when he saw her excited grin, he had to smile as well. He nodded, then turned to face Jaehyun again.

"Why are you talking so politely to him, by the way?" Yuta wondered, briefly glimpsing at Woo-yeo to make sure he knew who he was talking about. 

Jaehyun shrugged. "He's older than me," he commented. "He never offered me to speak casually so why would I?" 

"Wait wait," Woo-yeo interrupted quickly. "There was a chance to get you to talk to me in a less uncomfortably polite way all along?"

Although unsure about his phrasing, Jaehyun nodded. "Yes," he said. "But that is up to you." 

"What- yes, please talk more casually, I can't deal with you treating me as if we just met." 

"We only met a few weeks ago," Jaehyun pointed out causing Woo-yeo to sigh. 

He nodded reluctantly. "Still. Talk casually," he urged. "Okay?" 

Jaehyun hummed. "Okay," he agreed and added a softly spoken, "Woo-yeo." The man in question grinned widely, happily turning to his food and taking a bite. Yuta and Jigu watched them in amusement. 

"How cute," Jigu commented and looked at Jaehyun. "Please speak casually to me to, hm?" 

"Sure, Jigu." She smiled and gave him a thumbs-up.  

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