11 ⨝ Sincere

83 4 5


Hye-jin kept her eyes closed as she reached up and carefully placed her hand over her eyes. Her head was throbbing and the bright light inside the room was only making matters worse. She took a deep, much needed breath before pushing it out lazily. 

"You're awake?!" 

A bit too loud. A bit too sudden.

Hye-jin frowned at the familiar voice. She granted herself another moment to digest the few sensations around her that, in her current state, were already slightly overwhelming. Only then did she lower her hand and open her eyes. 

Right away, she sighed. Because the first thing she saw was an angry Han glaring at her. 

His gaze rested on her heavily. Bitterly. 

And with worry too.

"I thought you'd sacrifice me," he spat, almost insulted that she didn't. "Then what was that?!"

Barely a moment conscious and she already had to deal with this. However, she couldn't feel upset or tired hearing his bickering. She even felt somewhat happy to hear him nag like this.

"What a creative way to show that you were worried about me," she said. 

The boy huffed, appearing almost as offended as he did when he commented on his missed opportunity to become a human sacrifice.

"Who'd worry about you?" he shot back right away. "I was just calling you out on your bluff."

"Ah okay," she said, going along with it. Towards the end of that last okay, her voice cracked uncomfortably. She cleared her throat, frowning at how dry it felt. Han swiftly offered her some water. "Thanks." She looked out of the room - the door had been left ajar. "Where're Seo-ah and Haru?" 

"They came here with us but Jaehyun had Taeil send them home," Han explained. "They didn't want to leave but Johnny convinced them I think." 

She hummed. "Good." She closed her eyes and rested her head against the small pillow. "There's no need for them to waste their time here," she mumbled and soon wondered, "Where are the others?" 

"Jaehyun's with that guy," Han told her. "Johnny was here until a few minutes ago but he got a call from the hospital... I think? He's talking to someone about medical stuff at least. I'm here to guard you in his stead." 

She gave him a thumbs up. "You're doing a great job." 

"Shut up." 

She laughed softly. She ran a hand through her hair, gently massaging her scalp as her fingers graced her skin. She frowned a little at the pain but there wasn't much she could do against it and so she tried her best to ignore it.

A minute must have passed, maybe even two. Han had offered her a bit of silence which she was grateful for. Eventually, she sat up, slowly turning so that her feet were hanging over the edge of the examination bed while her head was leaning against the wall. When she looked at Han she quickly realized that he'd been watching her for a while.  

"Does it still hurt?" Han wondered. "Johnny healed me. Didn't he do that for you? Or were you hurt too badly?" 

Hye-jin smiled, satisfied to hear that he was well and ignored his question by saying, "I'm glad he could help. That's his special ability," she said proudly. "Cool, hm?" 

"It's pretty neat," he agreed, swiftly forgetting that he asked a question in the first place. "Anyway though, I meant to ask you something." 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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