6 ⨝ Family

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I genuinely didn't realize it has been so long since I updated this story 😭🙃

welcome back though!

also this picture of jaeyu is so cute 💔

Yuta didn't even have to say anything. It was enough for him to briefly look at Hye-jin while she was packing up her stuff to make her understand that he wanted her to stay for a moment after class. So Hye-jin told Seo-ah to go ahead and wait for her at the cafeteria, while she herself stayed behind. 

Hye-jin pulled her bag off the table and walked up to the teacher's desk. Yuta was still putting away his laptop when the girl offered him a warm, 

"Nice class, Zuko." 

He laughed. "Thanks." He looked up at her briefly before he continued packing his bag. "You visited the office yesterday?" 

"Yeah," she confirmed. "You didn't know?" 

"No one knew," Yuta commented. "Taeyong doesn't always tell us about everything he is doing." 

Hye-jin hummed. "And you don't mind?" 

He shrugged, closed the bag and looked up at her. "Well, it seems like you do," he commented and smirked softly. "You don't trust Taeyong after all." 

She raised a brow at his comment, unsure what had given him reason to think so. 
"Did Jaehyun tell you that?" 

"Tell him what?" Jaehyun asked as he stepped into the classroom. He carried his bag in one hand, had his other hand in the pocket of his suit trousers. 

Yuta glimpsed up at him, ignoring both of their questions. "You are earlier than I thought." 

"We got through the material faster than expected," the younger commented. Scheduling lessons with little to no experience in teaching was a bit challenging. "Either way, the students don't mind." 

Yuta hummed. "Of course they don't." 

Hye-jin watched the two quietly for a moment. She was quick to notice that both boys weren't particularly communicative. They were both too calm to fall into a lively conversation right away. Still, she figured they had something to say to each other. 

"Do you guys have something to talk about?" she asked as she looked from Jaehyun to Yuta who nodded. "Then I'll leave you alone. But what was it that you wanted to tell me?" 

Yuta looked at Jaehyun, happy to let him do the explaining now that he was here. Although he figured Yuta might as well finish what he started, he didn't mind taking over. 

"Some of our team's members are busy working other jobs as well so sometimes it's hard for everyone to get together," Jaehyun explained. "But we have team meetings every now and then where everyone joins. Usually for specific reasons, sometimes just to catch up on things." 

"You aren't part of the team, we respect that," he continued. "But because you are working with us, we want to keep you up to date too. It would be good for you to know everyone too." 

"Oh," Hye-jin pushed out. "You want me to join your fancy supernatural meetings?" 

Jaehyun nodded. "Only if you want to." 

"Sure," she agreed right away. She didn't trust any of them besides her brother and Mark. Because it felt like everyone was a little insincere. Everyone was hiding something about themselves. 

But they were also Johnny's friends. They were his second family. She wanted to get to know them and know what his life with them was like. 

"You guys have my number," she pointed out. "Just tell me when you meet the next time and I'll join."

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