7 ⨝ Enthusiasm

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Mark awkwardly looked back and forth between Taeyong and Jaehyun. The three of them were in Taeyong's office yet Mark wished he was somewhere far away. He didn't like this situation nor was he used to it. While the leadership in 127 was rather ambiguous, with all the boys seeing each other at eye level, it was unsettling to have them tangled up in an argument of sorts. It wasn't the most intense of disputes but it was unusual. 

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun asked calmly. He had a brow raised as he watched the older one. "You don't know whether she has powers or not?" 

Taeyong shrugged. "Is it any of my business?" 

"I thought you want her to join us because you knew," Jaehyun commented, feeling slightly irritated by the nonchalance the older one's words carried. 

To Jaehyun, this was a serious situation. 

To Taeyong, it seemed like a joke. 

"She is quite brave," the older thought out loud. "She jumped in front of Han despite the risks. She also agreed to help us even though she knows it's not safe for her. I think... it's intriguing. And quite useful if you think about it."

From one moment to the next, Jaehyun's initial curiosity turned into something closer to shock.  

"Are you saying you want to use her for missions?" he asked yet tried his hardest to keep his surprise to himself. "No matter if she has powers or not, she isn't strong, not currently at least. If you insist on doing this you might get her killed--"

"It's her choice," Taeyong interrupted him. He laughed to ease the tension of the situation and even added, "You were never this worried about Mark." 

Jaehyung looked at the younger boy briefly who quickly shook his head as if to assure him he didn't take that personally. Either way, he couldn't compare the two. 

"Yeah cause Mark doesn't go on missions. And, in case you forgot, that is because we know how dangerous that could be for him." 

Taeyong hummed before he pushed out an amused laugh and attempted to change the topic by pointing out,

"You seem to care for her."  

"She's Johnny's little sister and, apparently, soon enough our new team member," Jaehyun pointed out, swallowing his irritation. "Of course I will care for her."

"Even if you don't trust her?" 

Jaehyun sighed. "I can't trust her if she's lying to us. But that doesn't matter." 

"She is not actually lying about it," Taeyong pointed out. "She's just not telling us."

"Is that any better?" the younger said judgementally. 

"Johnny is the same. He could have told us about who she is but he chose not to. You can't blame her for something that you are not willing to blame Johnny for. That's below you," Yuta commented drily. 

None of the boys had noticed Yuta there. He had been listening quietly, closely following the conversation. He wasn't one to get involved but he figured the two weren't going to get anywhere at this rate. 

"She's not like Johnny though. She is more provocative."

"If you need an excuse to favour him," Yuta said, "then at least put some effort into finding a better one."

He leaned against the doorframe as he looked at the three. His eyes met Mark's briefly who gazed at his friend almost hopefully, wishing he'd help settle this conversation. Yuta wasn't planning on providing an end or a conclusion though. He just wanted to let them know, 

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