Ch. 3 - Answers and Suspicions

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They landed outside of a village nestled between two hills; on the hill to the left, a large mansion loomed.

"Is anyone hurt?" Chosen asked.

They all shook their heads. They'd managed to escape the falling buildings and cracks in the floor, leaving them completely unscathed. The kids were all fine as well, and were looking around, taking in the scenery.

"Where are we?" Lime wondered aloud, Ragey, Disaster, and Multi setting him and Vermillion down.

"Dunno," Multi replied, "Some place to stay for now, I guess."

As they all sat down to rest, some of the children falling asleep from shock, misery and exhaustion, Chosen walked over to Victim and Silverfrost.

"Void's being opened," Victim said, answering Chosen's unspoken question.

"How is it that you- " Chosen began.

"Look, Chosen." Victim raised a hand, breaking Chosen off. "The first people to come to us mere minutes after an earthquake are always questioners asking about the Void. Trust me, we know what's happening."

"What's happening?" Chosen quoted.

Silver set a child to sleep with her cool hand and looked up at Chosen.

"Someone or something really powerful is trying to break out of the Void," she answered.

"Or someone or something is trying to break into the Void," Victim added.

"Well then," Chosen stated, "We need to plan what to do. Which means- "

"Which means we all need to know as much as we can about the Void," Victim finished.

"Uh... yes."

A cough interrupted them. They all turned to see a middle-aged villager standing at the end of the village road.

"Excuse me," he began, "but what are you all doing here? Are you in need of any assistance?"

"Yes." Deserved stepped forward, taking charge of the situation. "We need a place to accommodate ourselves."

"Uh... if you don't mind not living together- "

"Who lives in that giant house?" One of the kids piped up.

"Oh, that?" The villager turned to face the mansion perched atop the left hill. "Our ruler lives there. You won't find him there right now, though- "

"Does your ruler have a name?" Disaster Guy interrupted.

"Uh... I've been told not to say- "

"DOES. He. Have. A. Name?"

"Uh, Disaster?" Metsa held out a hand anxiously.

"Don't. Stop me."

Metsa recoiled, looking slightly hurt.

"Listen to your friend," the villager told Disaster.

"TELL ME!!" Disaster yelled at the villager, "WHAT'S. HIS. NAME?!"

"Disaster!" Chosen shouted. Disaster didn't react. He stared hungrily into the villager's eyes.

"Disaster?" the Smiling Lord said cautiously.

Disaster stiffened. "What?"

"Let me handle this." Smiling pushed Disaster away and turned to face the villager.

"What's your ruler's name?" he asked, smiling.

"His name is..." the villager mumbled, glassy-eyed.

"What is it?" Smiling pushed, "Go on, get it out."

"King. His name is King."

The name struck Second like an arrow shot from a tightly-strung bow.

The Color gang shifted their feet uneasily.

Second began to glow with a green aura. The temperature dropped. Plasma stumbled. All the sticks stepped away from Second, alarmed.

"King, you said?" Second said quietly, his eyes glowing green.

"Y-yes?" The villager looked like he was ready to flee from fear.

"Did he happen to... have an apprentice?" Second asked.


"Was he, by any chance... purple?"

"How do you know that?" the villager asked, unable to control his curiosity.

"I know who they are. They separated me and my friends from each other. They trapped us, locked us up, kidnapped and murdered our pet pig, and stole Minecraft from our creator's computer.

Purple... he betrayed us, not just once, but twice. Someone who doesn't care about friendship... I will use friendship as a weapon against them."

Silence followed Second's sullen words. No-one moved. It was so quiet, everyone could hear Plasma shivering.

"Do you mind if we live in King's mansion?" Second asked the villager, suddenly.

"W-what?" the villager stuttered, "Uh... n-n- "

"Do you mind?"

"N-no, o-of course not."

"Good." The temperature rose as the aura faded from Second.

"Come on, guys."

They all stepped onto the path leading straight to the mansion entrance.

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