Ch. 11 - The ViraMorph

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"... The ViraMorph."

"What does it do?" King asked.

"Okay, so this is its original form," Dark explained, typing some commands on his wristband. The ViraMorph morphed into what looked like a ViraBot.

"Okay?" King raised an eyebrow.

"What it can do," Dark continued, "is turn into a living stick, to cause a distraction, and fight if necessary."

Typing some commands into his band, he watched as the ViraMorph changed into a familiar-looking stick figure.

"Ta-da!" Dark said dramatically as a near-duplicate of Second took shape next to him.

King clapped. Purple stepped back nervously. None of the others noticed.

Changing the ViraMorph back to its original form, Dark announced, "I'm going to make more of these, then we can send 'em out and begin planning."

"Will they have a mind of their own?" King asked, "Like an autopilot mode or something? 'Cause I don't think you'll be able to control them all at once."

"Of course! How do you think it walked all the way from my lab over here?"

"Oh. Right."

"By the way, do you think you could find one more of those things?" Dark pointed at the Minecraft block fixed within King's staff.

"Uh... I think so. What? What are you planning to do?"

"A little surprise. For both of you."

Purple turned to look at Dark, wide-eyed. "Really?"

Dark nodded, grinning.

"Right, I gotta go, if you are to make that 'surprise' for us," King said, standing up, "Purple, wanna come?"

"'Course." Purple equipped his elytra.

"Good luck!" Dark bid them goodbye, then turned and climbed the stairs back to his room.

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