Chapter 1

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It's the middle of winter, you're in the middle of the woods on some mountain road when your car breaks down, and on top of that, it's almost completely dark...great, exactly the perfect spot and time for that to happen. Picking up your phone, you try to call for help... no signal. Honestly, could your luck get any worse? Now you have to choose wether to get out and start walking, hoping you'll find a house or something that could help you, or stay in the car overnight, freezing to death slowly... well that's not really much of a choice then is it?
Getting yourself packed as warm as you can, which isn't much, you grab your phone, wallet and keys and start walking forward. There haven't been any houses for miles back the other way, so hopefully that means something will come up soon? God, you really hope so.

When you've been walking for about 30 minutes, you can't feel your toes anymore, and it feels like your whole face is burning! You can hardly see anything, the only light to go by being the moon reflecting off of the snow... thank god it isn't actively snowing on top of everything else. You hear a rumble in the distance, and shortly after, you see headlights coming around the corner from behind you. It's a big truck, made for rough terrain. Waving your arms, you get it to stop. When the window rolls down, a charming rugged man with dirty blond hair and blue eyes is looking out at you. Holy... this man is gorgeous.

"Miss?" The stranger's voice, deep and gravely, brings you back to earth and you realise you've been staring. Thankfully your cheeks are already red from the cold, so he couldn't possibly see you blushing, right? Leaning closer to the open window, you act like the hood on your jacket was too thick to hear him, so you push one side off enough. "Sorry, my car broke down further down the road, maybe you saw it on your way up? I was hoping maybe you could help me? If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I can be dropped off at a motel or something and I'll figure everything out tomorrow?"
The man watches you, looks around as if thinking and then back at you, "it's gonna start snowing heavily in a few hours. If you leave your car up here, you won't be able to get to it for maybe a week or two, depending on when the snowstorm stops." "Okay... but it can't drive, so how do you suppose I bring it with me?" You try not to sound annoyed, it's not his fault your day has gone to absolute shit. "My house is just up around the corner." He nods in the direction you were going, "we can tow your car up there and you can ride out the storm at my place. Getting back to town is too risky." You frown a bit. Going with this complete stranger who lives in the middle of the woods sounds like a sure way to get killed, but your only other option at this point is freezing to death... off with a stranger we go then!

The stranger, who's name is (b/n), expertly gets your car to his place. He shows you around his house, which is a rather large cabin filled with cozy rugs and furniture, a warm fireplace and comfortable beds. The bathroom has a lion footed tub, and you're hoping you get a chance to use it. You could lay in the tub, candles burning around the room, a hot mug of coffee or hot chocolate in your hand as you watch the snow fall... right, don't fall in love with the place, you're only staying until the snow clears up enough to go anywhere again.
You get to meet (b/n)'s dog, Drex, a lively young thing who loves to cuddle and play tug. You have no doubt that the two of you will be the best of friends while you're here! (B/n) shows you the kitchen last. He points out where everything is and things to be aware of... it's also a very cute and cozy kitchen. "As you can see, I've stocked up on everything. Hopefully you won't go hungry." (B/n) says, watching you as you look around. Looking at him, you see he's leaning against the sink, arms crossed and a strand of blond hair hanging over his forehead. You're really tempted to go push it back... but that would be weird. "I really appreciate your hospitality, (b/n). Thank you." You smile sweetly, but all he does is grunt, look you up and down and walk out mumbling something about finding you some warm clothes and a pyjamas.

You should probably see if you can get a hold of your boyfriend, you were on your way to meet with him after all, he'd probably like to know you won't be arriving anytime soon. Staying in the kitchen, you check your phone... barely any signal. With a sigh, you call you're boyfriend. It takes forever before he picks up, and when he does, you can hear what sounds like a lot of people having fun in a bar. Of course he's not at home, waiting and worrying about you. You're already late and he haven't even tried to call you. He's slurring his words, yelling into his phone, and it's obvious he's drunk out of his mind. You might as well not say anything, he won't remember you called anyway. When he talks to someone else, forgetting all about you on the phone, you hang up. A text will have to do.

Going upstairs to the room (b/n) said you could sleep in, you hear him opening and closing drawers in his own bedroom. Knocking on his door, you poke your head in, "can I come in?" (B/n) looks up at you shortly before going back to what he's doing, "sure. What would you be most comfortable sleeping in?" You walk over to him, looking around as you go, "normally I'm fine with just a t-shirt." Once again, (b/n) only answer with a grunt. He's a man of few words it seems. Turning around, (b/n) hands you a pile of clothes, "you should take a bath, you've been in the cold for too long with how little you were wearing. No protection against the cold wind and wet snow." You just nod, "thank you. Do you need to use the bathroom before I go?" (B/n) just shakes his head, mumbling something about finding him downstairs, and then he's gone.

All of (b/n)'s clothes is big on you. After your bath, you decided to wear the sweatpants and hoodie he gave you, and you've had to roll up the legs and sleeves. It makes you look absolutely tiny! You walk downstairs on the hunt for a cup of tea or hot chocolate, and Drex bounds over to you. You smile at him and pet him, laughing softly, "hi Drex! Where's your dad hiding?" With a low, goofy woof, he leads you to what seems to be an office. Looking in, you see (b/n) sitting behind a desk, sleeves rolled up his arms. He looks deep in thought as he looks over all the papers in front of him. Quietly clearing your throat, you get his attention. His eyes find you, quietly looking at how his clothes fit on you, and then looks back up into your eyes. You start talking softly, "I don't mean to interrupt you. I was going to make myself some tea or hot chocolate and I was wondering if I could bring you anything?"
(B/n) leans back in his seat, pushing his hair back, "a cup of tea would be nice. Green, two sugars." He watches you, petting Drex who's put his head on his thigh. You nod and walk out. Wow, not even a please or thank you... rude. Maybe he's lived up here alone so long he's forgotten basic manners! You can't really complain. He's letting you stay here and giving you everything you need without asking for anything in return, so you'll just have to live with it.

Bringing his tea back for him, he still doesn't say thanks... oh well, you're not all that surprised. (B/n) sips it, no reaction... okay that's frustrating. He goes back to his papers, silently dismissing you... nice. Leaving the room, Drex follows you as you go sit down on the couch. Sipping your tea and petting Drex, you can't believe the situation you've ended up in... and your so called boyfriend is out drinking when he should've been at home, waiting for you. Such a declaration of love, truly.

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