Chapter 2

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You sit and watch the fire burning in the fireplace, feet crossed under you, and Drex's head in your lap. This is actually really cozy. A bit scary, but cozy. As you sip your tea, you start to warm up properly, getting drowsy and relaxed. You manage to finish your tea and place the mug on the coffee table, lie down with Drex next to you, and then you're asleep.
You wake up slightly when you feel strong arms lift you up. The smell of wood and vanilla waft over you, and you snuggle into the warm body that's currently carrying you up the stairs and into your room. (B/n) gently tucks you in, and you're back asleep before you even hear him walk out.

You're woken up but the howling wind outside. The snowstorm has arrived. You try to ignore the sound and go back to sleep, but you just can't. You feel uneasy, the room almost pitch black around you, and the cabin is creaking menacingly. The more you wake up, the more scared you get. You try to turn on the lamp beside the bed, but nothing happens. You're not sure where your phone is right now, so you can't use your flashlight or even check the time on it. Getting up, you try the ceiling lamp... still nothing... power must be out... and it's freaking you out. You've never been a big fan of the dark, and in a place you don't know? Absolutely terrifying!
You squeak when you hear scratching on the door. You're almost scared to open and check, but you hear Drex's soft whining and you sigh in relief. Letting him in, you leave the door ajar and get back into bed, Drex cuddled into you to help you calm down and fall back asleep... see? Best friends.

Waking up in the morning, you stretch and look around. It's still pretty dark in your room, but you can see more than you could yesterday. Drex has left sometime during the night, but you're grateful to the dog for having known you needed him.
Getting out of bed, you put your hair up in a bun. Your phone is on the dresser, and when you check the time, it's 7:30 am... and there's still no word from your boyfriend. Asshole. Getting annoyed, you almost decide to go straight home when your car is fixed. He shouldn't get any of your time!

Walking downstairs, you hear (b/n) in the kitchen, and the smell of coffee hits you, making you nearly run to get a cup. Drex jumps up to meet you, and you smile and pet him, "good morning, Drex! Thank you for helping me sleep last night." He wags his tail happily, and you walk to the coffee machine, getting yourself a cup of coffee. (B/n) must have fixed the power problem... Maybe it was just a fuse. "I'm about to make eggs and bacon. Do you want any?" (B/n) asks quietly, and you look at him, nodding softly, "yes please, that would be lovely, thank you." (B/n) nods and finds the right amount of eggs.
He seems deep in thought, brows furrowed deeply. You don't want to interrupt him, so you sit down by the table, sipping your coffee and petting Drex, talking to him softly. "Were you scared last night?" (B/n)'s voice makes you look at him. You don't really want to admit it, but you were... "yeah... I'm a bit scared of the dark, and all the sounds combined with no working light freaked me out a bit... but Drex came and comforted me. He's a good boy!" You smile down at Drex. A couple of seconds go by before (b/n) speaks again, "My door is always open if you need someone... I'm a heavy sleeper, so you can crawl in without me noticing. I don't want you scared or uncomfortable... not in my house." You're surprised... you didn't expect this gruff impolite man to offer his bed for comfort... you guess everyone can be full of surprises.

(B/n) spends his day in the office again. Whatever he's working on must be really important. You've tried calling your boyfriend, but because of the storm, there's absolutely no signal. If anything happened, you wouldn't be able to call for help. You're sitting and watching the fire when the power goes again. You get a little scared, the room only illuminated by the fire burning, casting odd shadows on the walls. Drex places his head in your lap, comforting you. If Drex is calm, nothing bad is happening right? Right... just breathe.
When (b/n) comes out of his office, he sees you sitting there with Drex, breathing deeply. He hesitates a couple of seconds, but then he walks over and kneels in front of you, "are you okay?" Looking at (b/n), you nod a little, "y-yeah... just... dark shadows... I'll be okay... Drex the dog to the rescue!" You try to smile, but it looks as forced as it is. (B/n) frowns as he watches you, then seems to find whatever he's looking for in your eyes. He gets up and leaves, probably to check if it's another blown fuse. You just stay on the couch, focusing on Drex and staying as calm as you can... why are you even scared? Nothing will happen to you! No one can even get here in this weather! Stupid irrational fears.

When (b/n) comes back, he sits next to you, "I can't fix the power problem this time. The problem is somewhere along the connection to here, so that could mean a fallen tree causing damage, and no one's going to look at it until all this is over." He turns his head and looks at you. The look in his ice blue eyes is something you didn't expect. Frustration, anger and... protectiveness? What? You don't dwell on it. Nodding, you take a shaky breath, "okay... okay."
Getting up, you set out lighting all the candles (b/n) has placed around the room in case this would happen. "Would you like a whiskey or two to calm your nerves?" (B/n) asks, and you let out a sigh of relief you didn't know you had in you, "yes please, that would be nice, thank you." (B/n) nods and disappears into the kitchen to retrieve it. Maybe drinking with this man isn't the smartest choice, but you don't want to be on edge the whole time the storm is raging on.

You end up having one too many whiskeys, but you're not scared anymore, that's for sure. You're currently on the floor, playing with Drex, laughing and giggling as he almost drags you around while playing tug. (B/n) is sitting on the couch, watching with what must be his version of a bemused look. He's quiet as always, but you don't mind it anymore, that's just who he is. Even if he seems cold and impolite, that's not the case at all. He's just a quiet and calculating man... and a hot as hell man... but we don't go there... mostly.

When Drex becomes a bit too rough for (b/n)'s liking, he stops him. You look up at (b/n), pouting in what some what call a cute pout. From this angle, you can look right up between his spread legs at his long fingers wrapped around his whiskey glass, and into his eyes. His blond hair is a bit messed up, and that infuriatingly hot strand of hair is hanging over his forehead again.
When you've been staring for a while, (b/n) raises a brow but says nothing, just lightly drums his fingers against his glass. You blush, but you don't look away. You're horribly attracted to this big muscly man... and you're boyfriend is far away... and he's also an ass... you should really just break up with him.

(B/n)'s chuckle, deep and rough, brings you back to reality. "Don't look at me like that, (y/n). You can play again later." The images running through your head from those words alone are not family friendly... well, unless you're actively trying to create a family... my god. Swallowing thickly, you sit up. You don't know what the hell you're thinking when you crawl over to (b/n), looking up at him as you lean your head against the inside of his knee. His eyes are following you and he can't hide his shock when you place your head against him, looking up from a position only women who's gonna do much more should be in. His eyes darken, fingers tightening on the glass, "are you okay? Do you need anything?" You need him... but you don't say it out loud... that would be embarrassing.
You talk softly, almost breathily, "no, I'm okay... just happy you saved me. Thank you, (b/n)." His name falling from your lips like that makes him tense a little. He adjusts the position of his hands and glass so you won't notice the sudden hardness creeping in between his legs. You're so deep in thought, finger drawing patterns on (b/n)'s thigh, that you don't notice how his breathing has changed and how tense his body has gotten. His voice is even lower and raspier when he speaks, "do you want something to eat? Maybe some water?" You just hum. You don't really wanna get up though... you're very comfortable where you are.

It takes a while before (b/n) dares to move even an inch, and when he does, it's to gently play with your hair... and oh my god does that feel amazing! Nuzzling your face into his thigh, you move closer to him. Your boyfriend never does anything like this for you, and you're starved of touch, so this pretty much feels like heaven to you.

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