Chapter 5

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Once it's possible to drive on the road again, at least with (b/n)'s car, you two tow yours down into town. The mechanic says the part that's broken is gonna take a while to get here. Pretty much all roads are blocked at the moment, so maybe a week before the part could get anywhere close. Inside, you're elated. You get at least one more week with (b/n) and Drex. You two do some grocery shopping before heading back home... home... it is home, isn't it? Not even your apartment feels like home. It kinda feels like a prison, a life you never wanted. Maybe you should strongly hint towards moving here and see how (b/n) reacts.

When the day of your car being fixed and ready comes, you're mess. You're leaving... you're going back to that boring life everyone told you to reach for. (B/n)'s eyes are wet with unshed tears as you two say goodbye, and when you drive off, your own tears start falling. How are you gonna handle life without him and Drex?

As the weeks go by, you keep comparing your life to the one you could have with (b/n). Everything you have now is lacking everything you want. Your apartment is too expensive considering what you're paying for, your job sucks, and everyone you know loves drama and talking shit about others, and you hate it. Three months after leaving, you realise your period is late. You've been feeling bloated and tired lately, but it isn't until now that you realise what it all could mean. As soon as you can, you buy a couple of pregnancy tests. You're really not surprised that they come back positive. You start smiling... this could be the ticket to fully redoing your life into the one you want!
Taking a picture of all the tests, you send it to (b/n) before calling him. When he answers, he still hasn't gotten a chance to look at the picture, "(y/n)? Everything okay?" He always asks that when you call him, and the routine makes you smile more, "I think so... would you please take a look at the picture I've just sent you? There's something you need to see." (B/n) is quiet for a moment while he checks... and then he's quiet as he thinks about what it means... and then he sighs shakily, "wow... and it's ours?" Ours... not, is it mine? But ours. That small thing brings tears to your eyes, "yes, it is. (B/n), I'm so happy and excited!" (B/n) chuckles and you hear him sniffle... he's crying? "Wait... are you okay? You're not mad are you?" You talk softly, actually scared he would hate to have a kid with you. "No! No, I'm so happy, (y/n). This is my dream, you know that. Sure, it's coming about a bit differently than I imagined, but it's perfect." (B/n)'s words calms you, "good... (b/n), can I be fully honest and open with you right now?" You bite your lip nervously, sitting down on your couch. You have so many things you want to tell him, and you hope he'll be as excited about your plans as you are... otherwise you'll have to rethink everything again.

"You can always be fully honest and open with me, babe, you know that." You can hear the smile in his voice, and with your own smile spreading on your face, you start telling him your ideas, "I'm thinking about leaving the life I have here behind. Quitting my job, moving... moving up to you? I could find a job in town, I could have all my appointments there... we could make our own family? It's been on my mind ever since I left... I really want to come home."
With a shaky breath, (b/n) replies, "then come home. Come home to me, come home to Drex. We miss you so much. Drex still goes to your room every night to see if you're there... and that room can be our kid's room. Please, please come home, (y/n). We need you home." You tear up, and it's all happy tears. You can go home, you can be with the man you love, you can live the life that you want.

A month later, you're driving back to (b/n). It's spring now, and as you drive up the mountain, you smile at all the fresh green leaves on the trees and the little flowers blooming in the forest floor. When you pull into the driveway, Drex runs up to you, barking excitedly and bouncing around you. You laugh and smile, petting him and greeting him. When (b/n) comes through the door, his eyes light up. He jogs to you, picks you up and spins you around before planting your feet back on the ground and kissing you, mumbling softly, "the sweetest taste in the world... you're finally home again. Now, let me see our baby!"
You laugh as he steps back, looking at your stomach. You're only showing a little, but you've made sure to wear a dress that show off the tiny bump. (B/n) kneels down and kisses it, "hello baby... it's your daddy!" You smile down at him. This is what you dreamed of. You're home, you're happy, and you're getting your family. Maybe the car breaking down last winter was the best thing that could have ever happened to you.


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