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Lies are like vines, no matter their intent. The more you feed it, the more it fests.

It grows and grows till round you neck. Either you cut it apart, or choke till death. 

16 May, 2018

The sound of her lonely wails were deafened by the roaring storm. And even if it did reach outside there was no one to hear it.

The skies were a dark abyss through which the stealth chopper cut through in haste. They were not being pursued, but the danger was still eminent.

It was taking all of the young woman's concentration to keep the flight steady. Yet still, her attention was divided to ensure the newborn's welfare.

"Hold on my love. Just a few minutes more and you'll be safe." The words danced and tumbled in the cockpit, in the flashing limelight of the lightning bolts outside.

Below, it was not the promised blue of the Mediterranean, but a monstrous cauldron of black ink and wild rage. And in front of them, rising from that stormy ink, was the powerful slope of Etna.

They were close now.

With expertise well beyond her tender years, the young pilot had navigated the chopped through the storm all the way from London to Italy. And now, it was time to descend. With one last look at the weeping girl, cruelly separated from her parents merely hours after her birth, she strengthened her bleeding heart and prepared for touchdown.

The tensed atmosphere in the private helipad was suffocating. It had been building all night ever since they had received the news of the imminent arrival of the much-anticipated guest. And now, as the raindrops clattered against the tarmac in the wee hours of the morning, the assembled people looked up towards the pouring heavens.

They could hear it. A roar of blades over the roar of winds. The conditions were treacherous in the isles of Sicily. In a way, befitting the situation.

Against the advice of his guards and attendants, the man in the drenched back t-shirt was waiting outside his car. The umbrella offering very little protection. But it didn't matter.

With his high cheekbones, sharp and handsome profile and amber eyes of honeyed warmth, he resembled one of the Hellenistic marbles statues adorning his property come to life. But there was fire in his eyes, of fury and sadness. And it burned bright against the evil chill of the night.

The roar got louder and louder and soon, the angry red and alarming green flashes blinked into existence. The giant beast materialized out of the velvety shadows, with the raindrops swirling in its cloudy breath.

The chopper descended. As instructed, the men waited till the blades slowed down, and then the sleek black Porsche drove as close as possible to the aircraft.

The handsome man handed over his umbrella and ran towards the chopper's door. Only when he was in position, the gate slid open to reveal the worn-out young woman tightly holding a baby carriage covered in layers of tarps and wind blockers.

Even through the storm, the man could hear the baby wail, and it broke his heart.

"Take her. I'll be contacting you later. Louis is heading to Germany and I need to be there before he lands." Alexa screamed over the winds.

"And Harry?" The man shouted back. The whistling storm defining.

Alexa's face was grim. "He'll live."

The man paled and swallowed hard. He had hoped this day wouldn't come, but it had. His hands shook as he reached into the helicopter and took the baby carriage. His whole world tilting at the first contact, but he held on tight and steady. There was no going back now.

"Her name is Anastasia." Alexa's eyes were intense as they fixated in him..

"Anastasia." He whispered back. The name oddly suitable. "The rumored survivor."

Alexa nodded and reached for the handle of the chopper. "Take care of her. Love her. Protect her."

The man nodded vehemently. "I will. Now go! And be safe."

The door slid close as the man collapsed back into the plush warm interiors of his running car. The chopper already disappearing into the air by the time the car drove out through the pad gates.

Many things were set to motion that night. But none were aware of it. A victory shadowed by sacrifice.

But to the inhabitants of the car, None of this mattered. Because the moment the covers and tarps were parted, a small new universe dawned.

With teary eyes, the man carefully lifted up the delicate bundle blankets and raised her to his heart. "You're home now, mia cara. You're safe." And with that, he bent down to press a kiss to her head to seal the promise.

"I'll always keep you safe, no matter what."

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