11. The promise and the sacrifice

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Glass and Mirror
None were to survive.
Two promises were made.
For one to live, the other had to die.

TW: sensitive topic. Please take care.

London, England

May 2018

It was evening when the first cry rang out.

The sky outside was a stormy grey, promising a big storm was just round the corner.

Louis was in the kitchen brewing some tea for them both. Harry had not been feeling quite well all morning, and a refreshing cup with some gooey chocolaty cake on the side held salvation. He was achy and tired, more so than usual. Even the heat pad and constant massages weren't helping him.

Both Louis and Harry knew what that meant. But neither wanted to put those thoughts to words for some reason. They wanted to hold on to this life for as long as possible. For surely, a child would change everything. They were excited, and happy beyond words for Aiden's arrival, but they had right now was beyond precious as well. And they wanted to hold on to it. Just for a while longer.

The morning was spent with quiet words and hidden smiles and a lot of kisses and cuddles. And once Harry's eyes had started to droop, Louis had snuggled him till he had fallen into a restless sleep.

That was two hours ago.

Louis abandoned the kettle and cut the gas before rushing to the couch where Harry had been taking his nap.

The room was blanketed in a gloomy gold diffused light from the overcast skies. Harry was sitting up. His hands pressing into his huge tummy in desperation while he panted hard. His eyes screwed shut in pain.

Louis knelt down in front of the man and cupped his face gently. "Should we head for the hospital, love?"

With his eyes still shut tight, Harry negated with the shake of his head. "A few more moments perhaps? Please."

So they waited. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen... both sat quietly next to one another. Not saying much. Just enjoying being themselves as thunder shook the clouds outside. The pain came in waves. Ebbing and flowing as it gradually became worse and worse.

Louis did all he could to comfort him. Gentle touches and kisses of reassurance. Promise of all the love to come. Until finally, they could wait no longer. It was time.

Aiden was coming, he though with a grin.

The hospital wasn't far from their home and they arrived right on time. Harry was quickly taken to a room and Louis followed with excitement surging with each step. He couldn't wait to hold Aiden in his arms and hug him tight. His tiny, beautiful son. He was about to become a father! It was scary beyond words, yet he felt elated.

Harry's family had been informed. Louis too would have loved to inform his family about Aiden's imminent arrival. But sadly, as per Arachnia procedure, his family though he was dead. No point giving his mum a heart attack with a call from the grave. So he just informed Liam and Alexa.

And Niall. Who could've forgotten Niall!

The dyed-blond haired man was already waiting for them at the gates and was practically stuck to Harry's side the moment they arrived. His grin was wider than a six-laned highway.

Harry was excited too. Louis could easily tell by the softness of his eyes despite the pain he was in. But he was also a bit scared by the prospect of pushing out a watermelon sized human being from an opening which was normally three centimeters in diameter. Louis shivered viscerally each time he tried to imagine it.

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