18. Forgiveness

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Lies are like vines, no matter their intent.
The more you feed it, the more it fests.
It grows and grows till round you neck.

They cut it apart, didn't choke to death.

1 January, 2023

New Year's Eve actually didn't go as terribly as Harry had thought it would.

Liam and Alexa had done a short examination on his stab wound and he had been finally cleared for walking. Short distance s of course, and with crutches, and someone to help him, and... well it was a long list.

But bottom line was, he could walk.

That, paired with the collective unspoken resolution of not thinking about the huge revelation, made the evening a pleasant affair. Good food and some family games and a variety of fruit juices. No point having alcoholic drinks when half of them weren't allowed to have them.

But Harry was certain Niall had smuggled some bottles into his bedroom in the night. But that was it. Not quite a new year's wild party night, but it was certainly more filling. Anna played hide and go seek to her little heart's content. And although Harry barely did two rounds, it was fun. There was only so many times he could become an inconspicuous blanket hill on the sofa. Nope, he just sat back and saw the spies nail it. At one point, Liam was literally hanging from the ceiling fan and at another, Alexa had somehow squeezed herself inside the dishwasher. Niall and Zayn didn't even have a chance.

Those were some skills.

Harry also possessed many skills. Surviving stab wounds was one. Picking up things not meant for his ears another. Well, the latter was not really his fault. People simply should be more aware of their surroundings while exchanging sensitive information.

What happened was, last night, after he had been thought to have been passed out, a rather interesting conversation had taken place in his bedroom. So much for everything now being out in the open.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Niall asked skeptically as he supported his weight and helped him cross the huge distance of ten meters from his bed to the master bedroom door.

"Well, it can't be worse than any of yours..." Harry smiled cheekily.

"I've got no idea what you're talking about mate. Renaming the big boat to Ice Berg? That's genius level shit!"

"And melting metal with sonic frequencies?" He inquired politely.

"That too. I'm so smart, aren't I?" Niall puffed up his chest. "Don't worry Haz. I'm sure some of my smartness will rub off on you too."

Harry shivered. "Right."

"Well, here we are."

Both men looked up to inspect the beautiful white door with intricate etching. Zayn had a good taste. Expensive, but good.

"Sure you don't want me to go in with ya?" He asked again, brow pinched together in slight concern.

"Nope. This... We have to do alone."

Niall waited for a second longer, but then he walked away after giving him a slight nod. Harry sighed then turned back to the intimidating door and raising his fist to knock. "Well, here goes nothing."

Louis was fortunate enough to have had forgotten just how annoying bullet wounds tended to be. Pain aside, movement was a nightmare. But still it could have been worse.

He had applied the ointment for the stitches and had just picked up the cotton and the bandage when Alexa walked into the room without bothering to knock.

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