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Okay, can I just start by saying I love this picture of The Flock. I love Gazzy in the back looking like what the heck is going on! Anywho here's the next chapter. And if y'all don't mind I'm gonna have 1st person point of veiw from now on. Its just too confusing if I don't.

-*-Your P.O.V.-*-

I watched as the flock just stands there. I could see Max taking a step toward me, but Dylan tightens his grip. "One more step, and I'll break her neck." He said, with ice and steel putting an edge to his voice.

All of a sudden his grip loosens. My gaze flicks over at the smallest girl. Her gaze was so intense. If looks could kill, we'd all be dead. But soon her features start t soften just a tad. Max looks over at her and says, "You are one creepy kid." And the little girl just smiles.

I look down at the hunter, and I could clearly see his runes covering his body. But something was different. I crouched down, to get a closer look, and I saw the blood dripping out of his mouth. When I saw that I frozed. "Black blood." I whispered. He was one of THEM!

"What?" Max and Fang asked in unison. I looked at them with a mixture of shock and horror on my face.

"Nothing," I said quickly, "just do me a favor. If I have to leave." I looked at them at this point. "Don't follow me. No matter what."

They all looked at me with confusion on their faces. "Why?" The middle girl asked.

"Just trust me," I said. Walking toward the stairs leading up to my room. I stopped at the end of the room, one hand on the molding. "You don't want to know." And with that I headed up the stairs.

When I got to my room, I immediatly closed the door. I turned around and looked at my gothic victorian style room. Black chafted curtains, dark purple velvet wallpaper.

I walked over to my bed, that was built in the victorian age, and flopped down on my black chafted comforter. I grabbed my favorite pillow and buried my face. I heard a knock at the door.

"No one's home." I called.

The door opened and my brothers voice filled the room. "Oh, clearly." He said. He came over and sat next to me. I lifted my head and opened one eye to look at him. "You okay?" He asked.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" I asked as his hand came up to rub my back.

"Well seeing you almost die right in front of me. And being paralyzed by fear changes someone. And - hey!" He looked at me defensivly. "I've always cared. I just have a weird way of showing it."

"Alright, alright." I lifted my head fully and looked at him. "Love ya, bro."

"Love ya too, freak." He held out his fist and I tapped it.

"Look who's talking." I said laughing. Then I pointed to the door, "Now get out." I said then ushered him out the door.

I turn on the gas lamp that my biological mother gave me when I was young. This was the first gotghic victorian thing that I ever got. The one that triggered my interest. Then I went to my desk and pulled out my phone.

Just then the door opened again and I immediatly tensed and whiled around. "Need anything?" Someone said as they rounded the corner.

"Iggy?" I said confused. "How did you know where my room was?"

"What do you mean?" He said. Now it was his turn to be confused. "Oh! You mean because I'm blind?" He asked with a hint of a smile on his face.

I nodded my head slowly then remembered he couldn't see it. "Y-yea." Smooth [y/n], smooth.

"Is something wrong?"

"N-no. Nothings wrong. I-i was just thinking I have something lying around that could fix your eyesight. I-if that okay." I added quickly.

He looked confused, then like he was thinking. "Depends on what it is." He said.

"If I told you then you'd probably get scared and never come near me again." I said.

"Well I do want to see again." He said then tapped his chin. "What the hay. Why, not." He said smiling. Then I rummaged through my stuff til I found what I was looking for. I handed it to him and he gladly took it.

"What do I do now?" He asked.

"Now." I said. "You drink."

He took a huge swing and I was praying to Zeus that I got the right vial.

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in a while. But here it is and I hoped you liked it. Next chapter will start just before Iggy came into the room. And I won't spoil anything, but we may not have our blind idiot now. Well the blind part anyway. SUSPENSE! Okay now, bye!!

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