One Big Battle prt. 1

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First off, thank you guys sooo much for dealing with me this long. I love you all so much. Now to the story.

    A little after that, all was quiet. Which is wierd, cause I usually go at most two days before something was trying to kill me again. But this lasted for a week. So I knew they were planning something.

"(Y/n)" Iggy asks. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" I said. "Yea, I'm fine."

Iggy looks at me like he could see my worries. "No, you're not," he made me look directly at him. "Tell me, what's wrong."

I sigh, knowing I'd been defeated. Me and Iggy are together now after all. He knows when I'm worried. "It's just. It's wierd that bithing has come after us. Don't you think?"

  "No," He says, matter-of-factly, "we lasted two years before something  came after us."

  "That's the thing," I said, "I've never lasted two days before something came after me."

   "Maybe it's just a coincidence." He said.

    "You of all people should know there are no such things as 'coincidences'." I looked at him and he knew right then that I was terrified. "They're planning something and I know it. I even sent some people that I know to go and investigate. The one person that wasn't turned told me that they were getting ready for battle. Soon after that, he was found dead as dust behind a dumpster." I shuddered at the thought of how she must've died. Or been tortured to death.

The rest of the Flock came in and saw that I was white and shaking. "What's wrong?" Max asked. I just looked down and then Max asked Angel.

She told them the entire thing. Which is why I looked back just as Nudge came and hugged me, then Gazzy, then Angel, then Iggy, then Max. Fang stayed out and just nodded at me.

"Don't worry too much, it's probably nothing." I looked at him as he said that.

"You don't know them like I do." I broke away from the hug. "They captured me and my friends once. When they were just rising in power. So I thought it was nothing and we could take them." I blinked the tears away and looked back at him. "They turned my men in front of me. And made me watch as they twisted and screamed in agony from the demon blood." A tear escaped and rolled down my cheek as the memory came back to me. "Then they sent them on eachother. Because they thought it was going to be fun for me to watch. I had to watch them tear eachother apart limb from limb. And do you know what the worse part is?"

I looked at him as more tears escaped. "The worse part is they were laughing as they were killing eachother. And when one was still standing. He killed himself because he couldn't live with being a monster and killing his own bretheren. And I had to watch every second of it. Every goddamn second of them in agony. Of them tearing eachother apart. And they didn't evem notice I was there."

I wiped the tears streaming from my eyes. "That was four years ago, they've definitly gotten stronger since. So don't you dare say it was probably nothing. When you haven't had the experiences like I have"

Just then a frantic knock was heard on the door. And I went to go open it to get away from the tension in the room. As I was wiping my eyes, I opened the door. And everything went black.

Hey lovelies. Sorry for the late update. I've been extremely busy. But here it is. And sorry it's short. And I also want to think y'all for all of the veiws and votes. I love y'all. Have a good new year!!!!!!

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