He Can.... What?!

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-*-Iggy's P.O.V.-*-

    I was walking down the hall when I heard someone close a door. So i froze and went into the shadows, the way Max always taught us. but I heard someone say that [y/n] was in her room. Third door on the right.

    So I trailed my sensitive fingers along the wall, until I felt something weirdly out of place. It kinda felt like black velvet. And then I realized it was on the right and was the third door. So it must've been [y/n]'s room.

    I went in and asked if she needed anything when I immediately felt the tension in the room.

    "Iggy?" I heard [y/n] say. " H - how did you know where my room was?"

-*- time skippie- brought to you by yours truly. And the convo from last chapter.-*-

   "What now?" I asked. I could feel that the object she put in my hands was a vial and in it a liquid that I've never seen or felt before. it was a greenish substance, with crimson. The vial itself was an off-white.

   "Now," She said. "You drink."

    I took a huge swallow, and I could hear hear swallow. And feel her tension. The liquid inside made me want to throw up. It tasted like battery acid, and I know what battery acid taste like (don't ask, it was a dare by Gazzy). But almost instantly I could feel the liquid flowing through my veins.

    I sat the vial down, and I could sense [y/n]s' worried expression.Even more so when i closed my eyes and put my hands to my temples. If this was what Maxs' brain-splitting headaches felt like. I felt bad for making fun of her behind her back with Gazzy.

    All too soon it was over. I opened my eyes and the strangest thing happened. I mean, i could still see black. But it was textured. Like fabric. And i realized that, it WAS fabric.

    I looked up and it was a mixture of deep purple and black. Either I can see in immediate darkness or..... I just got my sight back.

     I looked around and a new color came into view. It was a really tannish pale, with black and blue streaks. And also a vibrant green that seemed to take up my vision. When the blob came into focus, I could see it was [y/n]. And she looked so much different than i thought she would look like. I always pictured her as a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, a tan so fake it was noticeable, and a girly fashion sense. With a personality to match. But, not this..... She had black hair with deep blue and purple streaks, pale/tannish skin, and a gothic outfit. Complete with combat boot with chains, dark ripped jeans, and a black crop top with a white detailed skull an a black tank top under that. And did i mention she had a nose ring. But, besides that what really struck me most were her eyes. A vibrant green with a gold ring in the middle. Those eyes that were filled with concern. For me.

-*-your P.O.V.-*-

     I saw that Iggy was looking at me with such a surprise that I tried to look anywhere but him.......... and failed miserably. When my eyes caught his again, I knew I had picked the right vial. Even his eyes were turning a deeper blue.

    "W-what was in that vial?" Iggy asked.

    "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said.

    His eyes showed pleading. Damn, I hate those eyes. I cave like thin ice under a polar bear.

    "Fine." I said. Cant say I didn't try. "But you have to swear on the River Styx that you won't tell anyone."

   "I swear." he said.


    "The River styx."


     "Not tell a soul about this."

      "Alright, I think you got the idea."

     "Question." He said. looking paler then usual. "What happens if you break a swear on the River Styx?"

     I looked him dead in the eye and said, "You suffer a fate worse then death." i could see him cringe. "Any who, about that substance i gave you to drink."

    "Yes, which by the way tastes horrible."

    "Ah, yes. That would probably be because it's - " I stopped because someone was trying to scare with me. I excused myself and went to go see who it was.

     I sighed. Of course. I thought. answer it and the ancient language of the warlocks filled the room. Which to me just sounds like a cackling fire. "Sup, Magnus." I said using the warlocks language just in case someone overheard us.

    "We need to talk." he said. His voice sounded very grime. This was going to be a long chat.

-*-time skip-*-

   "Bye, Magnus." I said as i hung up. I went back to where Iggy was still sitting. Looking at everything, including himself. I tried to suppress a giggle, and again failed epically.

   "So, back to what I was saying." I said.

   "Oh, yea." He said. "The substance that healed my eye sight. What is it?"

   "Where I come from that vial is know as a spoil of war." I said pointing at the vial in Iggys' hand. "And it was a spoil from a Gorgon."

   "A... WHAT?"

    "A-a gorgon. Like Medusa. But they're real I've seen them. And that was what came up after me and another guy slashed it open. That, another vial, and some stuff that it had collected. That vial that you just drank was from the right side of the gorgon, and the other was from the left. If you drink the blood from the right side it can heal any injury. But if you drink the blood from the left, you die." I looked up at him and saw him wince. I was secretly glad that I'd picked the right vial.

   "How did you know which one was the right vial?" He asked with a scared/worried expression on his face.

     "I didn't." I said, lowering my voice and head. Through my choppy bangs I could see him looking at me with a terrified expression.

      "I can see, because you gave me gorgons blood." He said slowly. "Man, Gazzy is gonna freak."

      I looked up and saw his expression. "Why don't we go show them. Then I'll tell y'all about how I knew what to do."

       "Alright let's go." He said jumping up and running for the door..... Where he smacked right into it. And I couldn't help but laugh.

-*-time skip- brought to you by Iggy learning to open a door-*-

    We ran down the stairs and the rest of The Flock was right where we left them.

    Iggy rounded the corner and went to go sit in an arm chair on the other side of the room without bumping into anything. And The Flock just stared at him open-mouthed.

     Iggy looked Max directly in the eyes and said, "Can I help you with something?"

    They just looked between me and him. And then Max asked me how he knew where her eyes were.

    "Oh, he can see now." I said, with excitment slipping into my voice.

    "He can....... WHAT?!?" They all asked in unison.

   "I can see." Iggy said. Then he turmed to look at me. "Now about your knowledge?"

   "Well..." I started. "I guess we should start with my parents...."

Hey guys thanks so much for reading this. I looked at it this morning and 221 VEIWS. If this reaches 300 I will start either a new story and/or fanfic. Okay, bye y'all. Love you. And before I close this chapter just remember that you are beautiful no matter what other people say. There is always someone out there who loves you. Okay, enough mushy, gushy stuff. BYE!!!

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