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Hey everyone. Thank you all so much for hanging on. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated very recently, like I said. School, tests, and homework. But here it is. And I think this is gonna be the last chapter. But don't quote me on that. Anywho, TO THE STORY!!!!
P.S. this is set after the war, I'm not very good at battle scenes, but it's a typical battle. Some wounded, some dead. So it will start after the fight. Like, right after.

[Iggy's P.O.V.]

I finish off the last of the Endarkened ones and look around.

"Wound report." I say.

"Broken ribs, broken arm, broken everything." Max says.

"Ditto." Fang says raising his arm from where he laid on the ground.

"A bruise here, a bruise there." Gaz says. "I still wanna make a bomb though..."

"I agree with Gazzy." Angel says.

"And I agree with Max and Fang." I look over at Nudge.

I was suddenly hit with a sense of dread. "Where's [Y/N]?" I ask, my worry showing in my voice.

"Over here." A strained voice says. I start moving over to it and see [Y/N] under two people. "You gonna help me, or are ya just gonna stand there?" She asks. I snap out of my revere and move the guys off. She stands and grabs her knee. I try to help but she pushes me away.

"What the damage?" I ask.

"I've had worse." She says and looks at me.

[Y/N's P.O.V.]

And by worse I mean, I've almost died less painfully than this. I grab my knee again and close my eyes. I open them again as the pain fades.

I look up at Iggy again and smile, "What's broken on you?"

"Everything." He says. I place my hand on his chest and he looks at me.

"All done." I say and move my hand away.

"You're just so full of wonder aren't you?"

I smirk and walk towards the others, "Who wants to go home and sleep?" I look at them as I say this. "Raise your hand and say aye."

I get six ayes and open a portal. We walk through and immediately go to our respective quarters. I go to my house and walk lazily up to my room. My knees hit the edge of the bed and I fall down on top of it.

"I've missed my bed." I say in a muffled tone. I yawn and go right to sleep. I faintly hear my door open, but keep my eyes closed.

"[Y/N]??" I hear his voice say. "Wake up."

I open my eyes and look over to see Johnathan/Sebastian sitting on my bed. Looking abused.

"Welcome to the real world, sweetheart." I start to back away from him, but he kept coming closer.

He reaches out to me and I try to scream, but no sound came out. He gently touches my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. I see his aren't black any more, but a dark green. Like his mothers and sisters.

As I stare he twists his face in pain and backs away from me. He arches his back in pain, and brings his arms to his head to cover it. I reach out to him and he whips his head up and his eyes are coal black again, but only for a second. As I rest my hand on his shoulder, his body starts to glow a soft orange/yellow light. I have to cover my eyes from how bright it is.

As the light fades, he looks up again and looks at his body then me. He attacks me with hugs and almost squeezes the life out of me. I start giggling like a little school girl and Ig rushes in my room. I look up at him and push Johnathan off me.

"'Sup?" I say and try to hide my smile.

"'Sup?'" He asks back in surprise. He starts to go after Johnathan but I get up and place my hand on his chest and he looks at me.

"Get the others together in the living room," I tell him. "Please?" I add afterwards and kiss his nose. He takes one last look at Johnathan then at me and nods.

We meet up in the living room, and I tell them what happened.

"What does this mean?" Max asks, still wary.

"It means," I say looking at Johnathan, then Ig, then the flock. "We all get a second chance." I smile and look at Ig, "This is our chance at redemption." I look at the rest of the Flock. "And this is just the beginning." I smile again and they smile back.

"As long as we don't have to go back to the school." Nudge said and I hug her.

"Never again."

"Thank God." She and Gazzy said in unison.

Everybody starts laughing, even Johnathan, and we all spend the rest of our lives in peace.

Or so we thought.......

Hello lovelies!! I'm so sorry this sucks. And I'm also sorry the ending sucks. And I'm also sorry this is my last chapter. I have a lot of tests and work to do at school. And thank y'all soo much for 15.8K views. It means so much. I hope all of you lovelies have a lovely day!!! Also it would mean a lot to me if y'all could read my newest story 'Share the Love'. If you don't want to I understand. But, Like I said, it would mean so much. Anyways, I hope y'all have a lovely day. BAAIIIIII!!!!!

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