The Darkness Is Born

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Time stood still for Barry, everything around him was silent as he saw something impossible by his standards. Hours before he had seen his nemesis dead at the A.R.G.U.S. base and there was no chance that he could still be alive. Now things were even more complicated, Barry had witnessed Eobard's death in the most grotesque way possible. And now he was there, in front of him with his yellow suit, vibrating at full speed and his crimson eyes that could easily enter anyone's soul. Barry's hands turned into fists and turned white from clenching, his anger rising to levels not seen before. Just when things couldn't get any worse, everything comes together to make the suffering even more painful.

Meena watched in horror as the man she loved was killed in the most horrible way, he ceased to exist in a second and now a completely different man in a yellow suit very similar to the Flash was standing in front of her. The sinister smile of that man gave her chills and her breathing was accelerating, she was having a small panic attack because of what she saw, the situation was overcoming her. But somehow Meena fought against it and was able to keep from fainting but still her head did not understand what had happened. Thousands of questions she had about this man and she hoped that soon Flash would answer them.

"You can't be alive, I saw you dead in Liam Yu. How are you here?" Barry said, raising his voice at the end from anger. He just can't believe that he was losing everything and now his nemesis was back alive somehow, the speedster was near the limit.

"Me dead? I feel more alive than ever, now I'm here in a Flash. How is it possible? I think you can say thank you to the negative forces, they are so weak being incomplete so they decided to balance the game." Thawne said smirking, in his mocking way taking advantage of him being alive again, loving each second seeing Barry struggling to hold his anger. He was back alive somehow but now he wasn't gonna waste more time, this was gonna be the beginning of the end.

"You have not learned your lesson, you should know that I will not give up and I will use every second of my life to find more ways to kill you. Years ago at STAR Labs, at Flashpoint, on Earth X, in your future, everywhere I've told you that you can never get rid of me, Flash. I am the one thing you can't stop." Thawne insisted while watching Barry releasing a tear from his eye, telling how much his mission was to make Barry suffer and then kill him. That he would never stop until he saw The Flash on his knees and dead, his whole life was dedicated to ruining Barry Allen's life in many ways.

"Here's what's really funny, killing your mother was one of my best moments. I enjoyed it like you have no idea, I can still hear her screams of pain. But that led to the creation of The Flash, and killing Iris led to my rebirth. So the death of both, were good for something." Thawne said in a sinister way, smirking at the end enjoying Barry's suffering and anguish. He saw his eyes, full of anger, desperation, emptiness and of course pain. That was everything he wanted and no he wasn't going to stop until he was deep into the darkness he deserved.

Finally Barry had enough of Thawne's mockery and decided to end this. He channeled his energy and used his arms to direct it towards Thawne, his anger was the fuel to become even more powerful so his powers would never stop. Barry fired with everything he had screaming as Eobard was thrown into a car violently while being burned and electrocuted by the speedster. Thawne tried to get up but his body wouldn't let him, without admitting it out loud it hurt more than he thought. His screams were very loud and it was evident that he was the one who was now suffering. Meena, who was still stunned by everything and who heard the whole conversation between them, watched as her mentor brutally attacked the man in yellow. She knew she should stop him but for some reason she didn't want to do it.

It doesn't matter now, he just has lost the person who he once loved thanks to the man in yellow, just like many years ago he lost his mother to him. Barry's mind was now deeply with dark thoughts and he wasn't worried about the consequences, first Nora and now Iris. The Flash was broken and maybe that was Thawne's worst mistake he could have made. Suddenly two more whooshes were heard next to him, surprisingly it was his children from the future, Bart and Nora who somehow sensed something wrong with their father and they ran to his rescue back to the past in 2022. When they arrived they saw the horrifying scene of Barry hurting the Reverse Flash in a way they never thought possible, both were now very worried of what their father could do.

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