Corrupted Soul

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The line was somewhat large inside the bank with people waiting their turn, they were moving slowly but at least it wasn't too bad. Moments later the peace of the place would be vanished because a group of four guys entered the bank armed and hooded, they came shooting their guns, scaring people and workers. One of them shouted to everyone to get down on the floor and not to move, the others with their guns intimidating the workers were trying to get the money from the bank, some of them accepted to help the robbers without any choice for fear of dying.

"Everybody shut up, one word and I'll blow your heads off and then I'll come for your families." the man said, screaming with his gun pointing at everyone who was crying, in fear and praying for their lives being hostages to these people.

"Quick, give me all the money, you have thirty seconds or I'll put a bullet in your chest." another man said, pointing the gun directly towards the woman who was in tears and shaking, he was urging her to open the vault where the money was at. The woman just nodded quickly and did what he asked for, she went towards the panel where she required the password to open the big vault.

While she quickly tried to give them the money and survive, the other three robbers were watching the hostages to make sure none of them got too smart and activated or called the police, ruining their plans. They wanted the money from the bank but would not hesitate to hurt or kill anyone who tried to impede their mission, they were not afraid to confront anyone.

"Come on, where's the money, time is running out!" one of them said, now feeling a bit of pressure as they wanted to run with the money as fast as possible to avoid anyone trying to stop them. He had his gun in his hands fully loaded ready to shoot just in case it's necessary.

"The police will not come, we will take care of that." his partner exclaimed back, now wanting to ruin the mission and also to shake away the failing mentality. They planned this for so long and wanted to be perfect, mistakes will not be tolerated.

"I'm not afraid of them, I'm talking about her, she is a big problem for us." The guy said, sharing the real concern he had, the police could have issues with them as they had all types of ideas to take them now. But they didn't have a plan to fight or at least try to stop her, she was their threat to end their whole robbery so they needed to come up with something at least.

The two men looked at each other for a second before turning their heads towards the vault where their partner was, seconds later they saw him running with the bags in his hands while he was running. His other two partners were behind him and were ready to leave the bank with all the people in it. They took a look at the bags before running out of the place, as they looked inside they saw a lot of money in it, they finally had what they wanted and were more than satisfied with what they had. But before leaving they had to make sure that they left a small mark on these people, so one of them took out a pistol and fired a worker directly on his chest, then turned around and shot a civilian in the leg making him scream in pain.

The rest of the people inside screamed scared to death, then they saw the three men starting to walk towards the doors of the bank with their mission being accomplished. Suddenly the criminals just saw one of their partners being sent into a wall by a brutal force, they just felt a strong wind whoosh close to them. They were now very alert thinking that maybe Supergirl had arrived to get them under arrest, but as they were thinking that once again something passed by their eyes and before they could even made a move both of them were killed in a matter of a second with their heads and necks getting completely wrecked by a strong gust of wind and lightning. The two bodies then just fell to the ground lifeless with their guns and bags of money dropping as well to the floor, the civilians watching this in shock now being even more afraid of what just happened.

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