Starry Night

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I woke up to the night sky above me. The stars twinkled high above me, leaving a bright glow around me as I felt the grass below me. I sat up, checking my surroundings. I was in a field of flowers. I whipped my head around when I heard rustling from behind me. It was my little sister, Evie.

"Where are we?" Evie asked. I looked around the field and at the tree border and recognized where we were.

"We're in the flower field outside of town," I replied, looking back at Evie.

"Look at the sky," Evie said as I looked up again to appreciate the beautiful thing above us." Emmie, you see this?"

"Yeah," I replied as my eyes stayed focused on the clear sky. "Look," I pointed up at a constellation, "It's Sagittarius." I looked back at Evie as she picked a bluebonnet and placed it behind her ear. I looked down at the flowers by my right hand and picked one. The bluebonnet glowed in the light. The bonnet's color began to fade before it turned black and crumbled out of my hand. I dropped the flower stem and stood up quickly.

"What's wrong?" Evie asked, standing up.

"Nothing." I looked down at my flowy green sundress and felt the

grass under my bare feet. Evie was wearing the same dress as me, except that the color matched the bluebonnet in her hair. I looked around. "C'mon," I started while walking towards the tree border, "Follow me."

The sky got darker as we walked closer and closer to the trees. The deeper into the trees we got, the more we couldn't see. I knew Evie was behind me because I could hear her footsteps. But they stopped. "Evie?" I asked, stopping in my tracks. I turned around, but she wasn't there. I spun around looking for my sister. "Evie?" I called out again. Panic started to devour me.

"Emmie," I heard. I turned to see Evie standing at the edge of the cliff. The spot where you could see the whole town below it. I sighed in relief as I walked out of the trees, the stars lighting up everything once again. "Look down there," Evie told me, pointing down at the town below us. The normally busy town square was quiet. The windows glowed yellow from the light within the buildings. The old church building with a pointy top shimmered in the night's light, looking almost majestic.

"It looks so peaceful," I replied. A couple of moments later I saw a glowing light move across my eyes, almost like a fairy flying by. I took a step back and turned my head left. I watched the end of the glowing light move farther and farther away from me. "Woah," I said breathlessly as I began to follow it.

"Emmie," Evie called out, and started to follow me, "Where are you going?"

"Do you see that?" I asked, pointing at the light and never stopping. I didn't want to lose sight of it.

"See what?" Evie asked.

The light disappeared and it got dark out. We were in the middle of the trees. The night turned dark as I turned to Evie and saw the bluebonnet behind her ear turn black and crumble, falling to the ground. I took a step back but tripped over a branch. It felt like the ground was sucking me into the Earth. Evie walked up to me and her dress turned black. I looked down at my legs as I watched roots come up and trap me down. My dress turned white.

"Evie?" I questioned, looking up at my little sister.

"Try again Emmie," She told me before closing my eyes.

I woke up to the night sky above me.

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