chapt 10

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okay so i lied.. there will be happy scenes AND sad scenes in this. mostly sad.. sorry!self harm warning, again. and another chapter with mike, sorry
byers household
mike wheeler

i must have fell asleep, because i when i opened my eyes i was laying down and will was in my arms sleeping peacefully. pretty boy. i hugged him tight, i didn't want to let go. suddenly i felt something wet soak through the shirt i was wearing. fuck. i carefully moved will onto the bed, and got up quietly.

"mike? where are you going?" shit.

"i'll be right back, will, i'm just going to the restroom." he slowly fell back asleep and i left the room. i walked into the bathroom and got the knife from under the sink, i'm surprised it's still there. i pulled up my sleeves and got rid of the bandages on my arm. blood soaked bandages, and my arm dripping with blood. shit. i shrugged and rinsed off my arm. i guess i could do it again, to feel better. will knocked on the door.

"hey are you okay?" fuck fuck.

"yes will i'm fine! go back to sleep, i'll be back soon!"

"okay.. please hurry." he said then i heard him walk away. okay. i sat down in the floor and added some more cuts on both of my arms and they started bleeding. i rinsed off the cuts and wrapped bandages more securely over my wrists where the cuts were, i needed a new shirt. will couldn't see me in the room because it'd be too dark, so i just get a new shirt and quickly put it on. that's fine. i went into the room and did just that, and everything was fine. i quickly went back to will and laid down with him. i pulled him close to me and snuggled with him.

"i love you will byers." i whispered but he was already asleep. god i love him. and i fell asleep with him in my arms.

when i woke up, will was gone. how the fuck was a i such a deep sleeper, and then i move slightly while will is asleep and he wakes up? what the fuck? whatever, i feel like things have been too depressing and stressful lately. so i might as well ask will out on a date today, to hang out, just us. i went to go find him and he was in the kitchen, cooking. i walked up behind him and grabbed his waist.

"good morning will!" i smiled and kissed him. he smiled against my lips and he pulled away for a second

"baby please i'm trying to cook!" he laughed. i love hearing him laugh. i hugged him tight.

"hey will, i know things have been stressful and depressing lately so i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me today? just to get a break. you deserve it!" he snuggled his head into my chest.

"yes mike, i would love to!" i kissed his forehead and smiled.

"i'm gonna go change then, i'm still in pajamas." i kissed his lips softly and went into the room. i changed into some other clothes. i could wear a a short sleeved shirt and then if will asks the bandages are just for the outfit? no. never mind. i put on a white long sleeved shirt with some light blue jeans and converse. eh, i looked fine. i walked out into the kitchen again and will was done cooking, he made pancakes. i sat down and he brought me and him some pancakes, and jonathan walked out of his room yawning

"good morning mike and will." he said tiredly.

"good morning jonathan!" will said as he sat down another plate of pancakes for jonathan. i finished my food and got up, i felt super dizzy. which wasn't good. i looked down and red started to bleed through my white shirt. fuck fuck fuck.

"mike are you okay?" i nodded and covered my arms and got up and ran to the room. i fell onto the floor. shit! i took off my shirt attempting to change but then that's when suddenly everything thing went black. the last thing i wanted to happen.

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