A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 8

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--Sunday Night after the Steeler AFC Championship win:)--

This is insane!!!!! We're going to the fuckin SuperBowl!!!!!!!!!!!! Number 7 baby NUMBER 7!!!!!!! Rupp's family, Talbot, and some of the other guys had left because they had tickets!!!!!!!!!!! God how much I wish I was them. This is so fuckin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"PITTSBURGHS GOIN TO THE SUPERBOWL! HERE WE GO! STEELERS! HERE WE GO! PITTSBURGHS GOIN TO THE SUPERBOWL! HERE WE GO!!!!" we all sang at the top of our lungs. The guys really love their Steelers. I have lived in Western PA all my life, so I love them with a passion also. I figured at least some of the guys would like their hometown teams better, but apparently my fellow 'burgers rubbed off on them. You can't live in the 'burg for any amount of time without coming to love this team. Sidney seems to be more awake now that the Steelers won but I knew he would crash soon. We were all celebrating, hoping it would be the same outcome as 2009, for the Steelers and themselves.

--2 o'clock A.M.--

Everyone had just left and Sidney looked extremely ready for bed. I wasn't really sure how I was getting home.

"So.. um.. I'll go call Mols," I said standing up. It was only Sidney and I left in the living room. The kids had gone to bed and Nathalie and Mario were in the kitchen cleaning up.

Sid pulled me back down. "Why?" he asked half asleep.

"Because you drove me here remember?"

"And..." he answered eyes closed.

"Babe, I'm not walking home," I explained.

He opened his eyes, "You can stay here."

"Wouldn't that be weird? I mean it's Mario and Nathalie's house. I would feel rude if I just stayed here. Plus how would that look?" I ranted.

"They won't care. It's not like we're having sex in there house Mal, we're just sleeping," he said, making me blush. He laughed.

"But still..."

"Still nothing," he interrupted.

It would be to weird to stay here, "Sid it's weird I mean there are kids here."

"I'm an adult Mal," he answered.

"But you're living with kids!"

He rolled his eyes, grabbed my hand, and pulled me off the couch. We made our way to the kitchen, him dragging me along. When we made it to the kitchen Mario and Nathalie turned and gave us perplexed looks.

"Would you mind if Mal stays here tonight so she doesn't have to make her friends come all the way out here. I realize this is stupid of me to ask but it seems I have a very stubborn girlfriend," he looked at me. Mario and Nathalie laughed.

"You're definitely welcome to stay here," Nathalie said. Sid and Mario seemed to be laughing at something that passed between the two of them.

Sidney grabbed my hand and headed toward the stairs. "Night," he called back at them.

"Goodnight," I called, stumbling up the stairs behind Sid.

When we got to his room Sid started rummaging through his drawers. He through me a long sleeve Penguins tshirt and some Abercrombie sweats ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=27531855 ). I knew they would be way to big but they tied so at least they wouldn't fall down. He motioned towards the bathroom telling me to go ahead. I walked in and changed into the outfit he gave me. I took a step out of the bathroom and saw Sid grabbing some more clothes out of his drawer, the room was noticeably more tidy. The few scattered clothes were now nowhere to be seen.

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