A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 14

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*For sake off confusion I wanted to be clear that I know I skipped the number thirteen for chapters. I'm not very superstitious but seeing as this is a Sidney Crosby love story and he is the definition of superstitious it just made sence to me not to have a thirteen*

--Monday (2-7)--

"Should we hide before Sid gets here?!" the 14 year old girl asked.

"If you want to," I smiled back at her. The hazel of her eyes and curly hair making me chuckle. She looked far to much like him.

"Ok me, mom, and dad will hide, while you, well what will you do?!" she was very excited to be in on the surprise.

I laughed again, "I'll go wash the dishes from lunch all casual like."

"Ok!! When does he get here?!"

"Any time now," I answered.

"Mom! Dad!! Come on," she said pulling her mother off my couch.

She dragged them out of the room to the down stairs bathroom and slammed the door.

I walked into the kitchen laughing. Sidney's surprise had arrived a few hours ago. I had stolen their number from his phone, and called them. They were extremely excited to come, and to meet mesurprisingly. I had hoped Sid had told them about me but it was nice to have it confirmed. They were great people, extremely down to earth, and very just family-ish. They were the family you saw in all those movies at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Close knit, just people who love each other but aren't perfect. I loved it, it was cool to see that people like that did exist and a life like that was possible. We sat around talking and getting to know each other for most of the afternoon while Sidney was getting evaluations and doing interviews. Taylor seemed to really like me, which I was thankful for. She was adorable.

I heard the door slam, knowing Sidney was back. I continued to put dishes in the dishwasher knowing if I turned around my amused expression would tip him off. I felt hands go around my waist, and lips touch the side of my forehead.

"Welcome back," I said smiling. My voice came out weird because I was trying to muffle the giggles. I was never good at surprises, if Sid would have pried more than he did there was no doubt I would have spilled everything.

"What kind of welcome is that?!" he asked turning me around. He kissed me, and I got caught up in the moment. When my thoughts finally caught up to me and I pushed him back blushing. I knew his family would be in the bathroom listening for the perfect time to jump out. He gave me a weird look but just as he was about to say something the bathroom door burst open and our guests came barreling out. Sidney jumped and spun around pushing me behind his back. I laughed hard at that, like they were going to hurt me. "Mom! Dad! Taylor! What are you guys doing here?!" he almost screamed.

Through their laughs Troy managed to answer, "We were invited on a vacation." Taylor wrapped her arms around her older brother. He hugged back smiling down at the girl who looked just like him. When Taylor let go Trina grabbed him. Finally Troy and his son embraced. I smiled at the moment, proud I could set it up for them.

"You found a great girl there Sidney. We're very grateful she managed to set this up," Troy said smiling at me.

Sidney turned to look at me grinning, "I know," he said to his dad, "and thank you," he said to me, eyes gleaming. I nodded, and smiled in response.

"Well why are we all standing in here?" Trina laughed. We all made our way to the living room. Trina and Troy sat on the smaller couch while Taylor sat on one side of the larger couch close to her parents. Sidney dragged me down beside him on the other side.

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