A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 20

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*I had a hard time writing like a perv so dont expect it much;)*

--Mal's POV--

"I'm bringing someonetomorrowI want you to meet."

"Do what you want. You always do. I'll have them make a dinner," my mother spoke. She wasn't being as harsh as usual. I knew this meant my father wasn't home. "I have to workMalana. Be here at noon."


"We're almost there," I whispered. Sidney nodded continuing the silence that was threatening to consume me. I looked down at my outfit one last time making sure it wasok. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=30870381 )

I was nervous to say the least. I hated my parents with every fiber of my being. They were selfish, judgemental,nefarious,connivingliars, and just mean. Mean to the point that people were driven to near self-destruction. I of course knew this better than anyone.

As sick as they made me there was always that glimmer of hope something I did would be good enough. One day they wouldn't bedisappointed. Not so much because I wanted their approval, I couldn't care less if they approved of me, but as to make myself believe that my being alive wasn't a technicality. It was no secret I was the product of failed birth control. If my parents could admit that myexistencedidn't start off as some tragic ending to two peoples perfect lives than I could move on. I could live my life knowing maybe just maybe I was born into a fated life. Maybe my being alive had a purpose, a meaning.

As we drove through the small town in which I had grown up I quietly pointed out different places such as the school and the couplerestaurantsto which Sidney might be interested. It wasn't so much for the benefit of Sid being comfortable in the environment as it was for me to delay my thoughts of how to handle the situation. As we drove closer and closer to my mother and father's house, never my home, I grew more and more anxious. How would they react to Sidney? Was this a mistake? Would Sidney still look at me the same way?

"Turn left, that's the driveway," I nodded towards the cemented lane to hell. The car stopped as Sidney pulled the key out of the ignition. We sat in still silence. Sidney was nervous, I read that from the way he bounced his leg. I knew he was staring at me but I refused to make eye-contact as I continued to stare at the floor.

His hand nudged my chin upward. His eyes shone like an angels. How cheesy."I'm here Mal. You can do this."

I nodded as he got out of the car. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as Ifeltmyself being pulled from the vehicle. We walked up the walk towards the front door. We got to the door and I just stood staring at the familiar blue wood.Sensingthat I couldn't do it Sidney rang the bell. Moments later I was met by a housekeeper. Without a word she directed us inside and left.

I looked around everything looked exactly the same. The same photos hung around the room, of my mother with different doctors whomhewent to college with, my father and some of the moreimportantpeople he had worked withthroughoutthe years, my brother as he wasreceivinghishigh schooland college diplomas with the ribbons around his shoulders signifying he was the best, or his many awards for whatever amazing thing he had done. Anyone who saw this would assume it was a family of three amazingly accomplished people.No Onewould have thought there was a forth member, the one member who never seemed to fit in this family offront runners. The one that always seemed to come in second.

As I looked around I ignored the boxes knowing exactly what they were. When I finally couldn't pretend that I was to busy looking at the room I walked over to the boxes. On top of them was a note.


The items that we believe to be yours have been collected into these storage units. Anything that is not removed by tonight will not be here tomorrow. Leave all debit and credit cards with the housekeeper. You may keep your car unless your grandparents decide to recall their gift. All insurance you currently use will be dropped by the beginning of May.

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