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The crisis had been averted. Slowly, but surly, the familiar sounds of stationary terror, began to fill the halls once again. Work, as usual, had reset itself, back to the early morning, back to before the incident. Before, the attack. Hen, as well, had found way to his office, as he began to resume his tests on subject 285. 'Lisa, where are you?' Asked Hen patiently making absolutely sure he did not slip as to share this message with anyone else of whom, might be listening. Hen's connection was strong, but to Lisa, his power was infinite.
'I am sorry. Am I not where I should be, father?' Asked Lisa blankly, quickly responding back to Hen's question without hesitation.
'No. You are. Come. I need you at my office, now.' Ordered Hen calmly as he looked at his watch. 'Sometime today.' He added rudely impatient. 'Your cell, is-' Paused Hen suddenly as he turned to see the open office door. Lisa stood there, quietly uninterrupting.

"You called for me, father?" She asked plainly, her face still of no expression, but almost like that of a mindless drone.

"Yes." Said Hen finally. "Come here. Sit here on the table for a moment. I need to examine." He stated quickly without hesitation in his voice, as he slightly gestured towards the table with the tip of his pen. Lisa did not simply stand and stare. As, before what was ordered of her, she did with compliance. Once Hen was finished, Lisa looked at him, once, again as if waiting to take and proceed with her next order, but this time, Hen had felt something. Something he had not felt for a long time, since Charlene Died. It was a single emotion, and in itself could lie a thousand dangerous actions. "Lisa," paused Hen, questioning himself and his unforeseen actions.

"Yes, father?" She replied, programmed to do only one thing. Obey.

"Uhh." Said Hen at first thought, rubbing his face and forehead, as if trying avoid a question he knew he would have to ask himself one day. Quickly and quietly, he slipped a single, small, frail picture out of his folder and stared at it, simply for a minute before giving it to Lisa. The picture was small and on the verge of tears everywhere, but even in its condition, the faint writing still shown on the back.

"Charlene?" Read Lisa aloud, looking at her father curiously.

"Do you know who that is?" Asked Hen softly.

"Yes." Replied Lisa, her expression, no longer emotionless, but curious as if to see what next, her father might say.

"Do.....you....remember your...mom? I mean your mother." Stuttered Hen nervously, but curiously as if he knew he was being watched. "Do you?" Repeated Hen as he turned away from his daughter as if to avoid the guilty burden of seeing her. "Answer the question." Stated Hen firmly turning back to see Lisa eye-to-eye.

Lisa hesitated for a moment, then spoke softly. "Vaguely." Replied Lisa finally.

"Vaguely?" Repeated Hen. "Very well." Began Hen Slightly torn. "Stay here. I will be back." He replied quickly as he again turned away from her. He simply stood for a moment at the door. His hand reached out for the knob which he hesitated to grasp. Frozen by a thought. A past memory. A simple flashback. "Wait here." He said to Lisa once more without turning in her direction.

"Yes father." She obeyed.

"Ah. Jence, there you are. I was looking for you. Where have you been, first rate?" Questioned Hen stiffly as to enforce intimidation in his Stare. Jence stood nervously for a moment, unable to say much, reminded of his and Hen's last altercation.

"Well....with all do respect sir, I do find that quite offensive-"

"The term first rate means to describe your experience in this line of work," Laughed Hen to himself. "and as I have been notified, I believe you have no experience within this facility." Stated Hen, interrupting Jence. "Well, anyhow never mind it, but here." Continued Hen handing Jence an assignment file.

"Wh..what's this?" Asked Jence nervously as he gulped.

"Open it." Insisted Hen. Jence stood silently for a moment looking done at the file. He hesitantly put his hand on the file seal and looked back up at Hen. "Go on, open it." Insisted Hen once more, even more forcefully this time. Jence slowly stared back at the file, and opened it.

"A residence assignment?" He asked curiously. "And, which subject?" He questioned, looking at Hen.

"Look at the paper." He insisted pointing at the file.

"Subject 825? Your daughter?" He suddenly looked suspicious at Hen's sudden expression of slight emotion to his questioning of his daughter.

"She's already had the injection." He stated, restating his authority.

"She has?" Answered Jence with an even more suspicious expression.

"Well, temporary of course." Continued Hen. "The temporary residence is merely a test. To see how..... subject 825 performs in the presence of a residential environment. Do you have a problem with this?" Asked Hen Curley once more, his expression of emotion for his daughter suddenly tensing up into anger.

"No, sir. No, sir. Not at all." Answered Jence nervously dropping his suspicion as he slowly backed away.

"Oh, where are you going so suddenly?" Asked Hen pulling up a chair quickly behind Jence with his telekinetic 'abilities', knocking him off his feet.

"No where sir. No where."

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