Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

__________By the time the third hour after Tally's hallucination rolled around, everyone was starting to get sick of Kenny Loggins

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By the time the third hour after Tally's hallucination rolled around, everyone was starting to get sick of Kenny Loggins.

Except for Tally, who was pretty sure it was impossible to get sick of Kenny Loggins.

"If I have to listen to 'Danger Zone' one more time I'm going to let Vecna take me," Max groaned.

"Tasteless swine," Tally murmured under his breath as he threw the old tennis ball he'd taken from the boathouse up into the air and caught it again.

"Swine is an awfully complicated word for you, isn't it, Tally?" Nancy asked, raising her eyebrows condescendingly.

"You're hilarious," Tally murmured, pressing his lips into a thin line that could resemble a smile if you squinted.

"I don't understand why Vecna chose you," Dustin pondered for what must have been the hundredth time that night.

"I don't know, man," Tally sighed, tossing the ball up in the air again. "I went missing for a week. I'm sure there's some unresolved grief from that."

"That was you?" Robin asked, sitting up very quickly from where she was lying on the floor previously.

"Did none of you guys tell her?" Tally asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose, exhaustion slowly beginning to creep up on him as it became steadily darker outside.

"Huh," Dustin stated, biting the inside of his cheek. "I guess not."

Frankly, Robin looked appalled. It was almost funny. Would have been funny if Tally's sense of humour wasn't clouded by the threat of death.

"Is it true that you have amnesia?" Robin questioned excitedly. She was entirely too energetic for Tally. "You don't remember anything?"

"Nope," Tally sighed, "it's like it never even happened."

Robin sat there, slack-jawed for a moment. "You don't seem particularly curious."

"I'm not."

Steve laughed lightly, pressing his head against the wall behind him.

If Tally thought Robin had looked horrified before, it was nothing compared to the expression she had now. "What do you mean you aren't curious?"

Tally shrugged. "There's really nothing I can do about it. No point in being curious."

As "Danger Zone" began to replay for what must have been the fiftieth time, Tally realized this was the first time he'd really vocalized his feelings about his absence. He supposed he hadn't really had anyone to talk to about it. His parents acted like it had never happened, Of course, Jason was too busy seeking revenge, and the cops only seemed to care about Tally's possible involvement in the murders.

He'd been bottling everything up inside of him for weeks.

Maybe that was how Vecna got a hold of him.

"I'm sure there's something you could do," Robin pondered, snapping Tally out of his thoughts. "What do amnesia patients do?"

Tally shrugged. "I'm pretty sure my brain is useless in the matter."

Robin made a tsk-ing noise with her tongue, but didn't say anything else on the matter. Tally continued tossing his tennis ball up in the air as Kenny Loggins played in the background.

"I'm going to know every word to this song by tomorrow morning," Steve muttered bitterly.

"It's a good song," Tally said, raising his eyebrows and smiling. God, it felt good to smile.

Steve groaned, seemingly unable to put his disagreement into words.

"You know what," Nancy said, smiling as she tilted her head to look at Tally. "It's actually growing on me."



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